Let's Party Foreal

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The Party

"Y'all ready to partayyy?" So Jun yells. "Hell yea." They all say in unison. So Jun's already drunk off her mind. She posts the flyer on social media and not even 30 mins later people swarm in. "Guys we can honestly act a fool. Almost no one from school will be here. So if you decide to make a bad decision or two, no one will know." Yea, she's so drunk. Anzai stayed on her the whole night. Making sure she'd be okay.

A little later, BTS walk in with Yuki. They don't usually do parties but came to this one. Anzai gets upset. "I can't believe they were bold enough to walk in with her." He says tensing up. "It's fine." y/n says calming him down. "Just ignore them." she says grabbing his hand. "Come on! Let's make some bad decisions!" she leads him to the dance floor still making sure So Jun is in sight. They start dancing together.

"Why do we have to be here?" Yuki whines. "It's for Y/N. It is her bday." Namjoon says. "But she doesn't even like us and we don't like her." They all give her a stare letting her know not to say anything like that again. "Besides, isn't it Yoongi's birthday too?" "Yes but he wanted to see Y/N." They notice Y/N and see her dancing with Azai. Jungkook looks ready to pounce. "I need a drink." He says angrily. "I think we all do." Tae says. They walk over to get drinks and Y/N notices them. "Someone looks upset." she says smartly. "Don't pay them any mind." Anzai assures her. "You're right."

The night goes on and they get real drunk. So Jun and Anzai dance together the entire night. I hope they stay together the whole night. Y/N looks for Joonie to see what she's up to. She finds her making out with some random guy. Welp, she's busy. I'll leave her be. Y/N stands on the wall to catch herself. She's close to drunk but not there yet.

While standing there, Jungkook is across the room. He's drunk. He stares at her. Looks as though he's about to walk towards her. Her heart drops. He walks and walks until "Come dance with me Kookie!" Yuki screams. She takes his arm and yanks him to the dance floor. They dance to the song. She's clearly drunk.

She dances and grinds up and down on him right in front of Y/N. Almost as if she's rubbing it in. She keeps giving Y/N glances and looks to make sure she's watching. I can't watch this anymore. Y/N walks away angrily. She stumbles into someone by accident. "Sorry," she says in English. "I mean-" "No it's fine, i speak English." Y/N looks up to see a tall muscular black man looking down at her. "Oh," she says in a deep voice.

"In that case, sorry." "You already said that cutie." His voice, deep and toned. "You're the birthday girl right?" "Yea. I'm 17 now." "Nice. Imma be 19 in two months." "Nice." There's awkward silence for a while. Y/N looks over at Jungkook and Yuki and says something unbelievable "Hey, wanna dance?" "Id thought you'd never ask." He says.

She leads him to the dance floor and they dance. First it's friendly. Until she sees something horrible. Jungkook and Yuki. Kissing. Against the wall. Yuki on top of him. Her heart sank. Forget him. He's doing this to me? *smirks and laughs* He must really not know who i am. She blocks them out and dances with the mystery man. She grinds on him. She feels his friend poke through to say hi. Wow he must be blessed. They continue to dance all night.

While they dance she notices Yuki yelling. "Kookie lets do it again. Right here, right now." Do what again? "Yuki, that was a one time thing." he says to her while looking  around.  He seems like he's looking for someone specific. As if he doesn't want someone to hear her. "But i wanna do it ahhhhgainnnn." She says slurring her words. Do WHAT again? "Pleeeeeaaaase Kookieeee. You were so good to meeeee. I wanna feel you againnnnn." Suddenly, Y/N catches on to what she means. She was horrified. No. No. NO! They didn't. They didn't. THEY DIDNT!

They did. Multiple times in fact. "It was a one time thing but u made me feel so gooooood more than onceeeee." Yuki was real loud this time. So loud that the whole house heard her. Y/N couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it. But it was true.

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