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A Week Later

It's been a week since her and the boys spoke. While scrolling on twitter she notices Yuki made a tweet.

"About to go to my best friend's house and play uno like we always do. The seven of them are really kawaii."

Like we always do? She's been here two weeks. TWO WEEKS! She gets heated. She gets home and like always when she stressed, goes out to buy food. "Come on Jaylen." She drives them to the store with clothes she threw on. Black tights and a tee shirt. To everyone else, she looked hot. As she walked out the boys were on the porch playing uno again with Yuki. She payed them no mind.

She fills her cart with loads of snacks and even lets Jaylen pick some. "Alright Jay time to go." All of a sudden "Y/N!" she hears a familiar voice. "Anzai?" "Yea hey. Wow you having a party?" "Yea party of two. Me and brother might stay in watch some anime." "Wow sounds fun." "Yea. Wanna come?" "Sure." "Great. I'll text you my address." Atleast I won't be alone today.

When Y/N gets home she tries to run in the house as fast as she can. The boys were still outside on their porch playing uno with Yuki and she didn't want to see it. She also didn't want Jaylen to see any of them as he might try to go to them. He's gotten so used to them he can even say all their names. He asks about them all the time. Especially Tae. But He can't see them, atleast at not right now. About 5 minutes later Anzai comes.

She puts Jaylen upstairs for his nap and throws on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt to get the door. The boys are still outside. They see him come to the door and she answers it, along with what she's wearing. "Hey Anzai! Wow is that your car?" She says peering at it with amazement. "Yea." He says shyly. "It's amazing! You've gotta let me drive this someday!" "Ehhhhh we'll see" "No seriously I'm a great- AHHHHH" She screams. Y/N has a big fear of spiders. She saw one on his car and her first indistinct was to jump. Luckily, he was there to catch her.

"What's wrong?" "Ttttheres a sp sp sp SPIDER!" He laughs. "Are you serious? As cool and tough as you are you're afraid of one little spider?" "Kill it. KILL IT!" "Okay. Okay. Fine." He swats the spider off his car and it lands on the ground. "Why didn't you kill it?" "Because I didn't need to." He says teasing her. He begins to put her down but she refuses. "No don't! If you put me down the spider might crawl on me." "Y/N seriou-" before he could finish his sentence he looks at her face. Anzai sees the terror in her eyes and agrees to take her inside. He carries her bridal style into her house. The boys saw the whole thing. They all seemed upset but Jungkook was furious. "What wrong Kookie?" Yuki asks. "Nothing." He says angrily.

They get in the house and Y/N calms down. "Sorry, I'm just terrified of spiders. Really terrified." "It's ok, my little sister's the same way." "You have a little sister?" she asks while showing him to the couch. "Yea, her name's Kagura." "What a cute name. How old is she?" "three. Very young. By the way, where're your parents?" He asks. "I don't live with them. I don't live with any family actually besides Jaylen." "Why not?" "It's a really long story." "I mean what else do we have to do? We've got time."

She tells him about her life and about the discrimination she faced in Japan. "It was different than here. People stared at me like I was famous They took pictures of me too. Like i was an idol." "Damn, im sorry. I wish i could say the same to make you feel better. I never faced that much discrimination despite being half and half." "Half and half?" "Yea, i'm japanese and korean." "Did you get teased?" "Yea, we moved to Korea when I was 12 and my korean wasn't that good at the time. People would make fun of the way i talked. I ignored it though." "Kids can be real assholes at times." "Yea, they can be."

While they were talking Jaylen wakes up, crying. She runs and gets him. "Awww someone must've had a bad dream huh?" "How can you tell?" "I've been taking care of this boy all his life. I've learned to recognize his screams and actions." "Damn, I wish i would've been like that with my sister. Would've saved so much trouble." Anzai sits down on the couch and gazes at Y/N and back at her brother. "What? Is there something on my face?" She says playfully. "Nawww, it's just, you guys look sooooooo much alike." "Oh trust me I know. People always assume he's my son." "Same here with my sister. But if a 17 year old had a 3 year old daughter? That'd be terrible." "Yea really bad." Y/N chuckles.

Suddenly Anzai's phone goes off. "Everything okay?" she asks. "Yea just my phone telling me i have to watch the new one punch man episode." "There's a new episode?" "Yea, every friday." "Oh shit. You're right. What time does it come on?" "5." "Wanna stay here and watch it?" Y/N asks shyly. "Sure." he says excitedly. Y/N starts to smile. "What you smiling bout?" he asks laughing. "Oh uh, nothing."

A Little Later

"There's no way he's gonna beat Saitama he's literally called ONE PUNCH MAN."
Y/N yells. "IT DOESNT MATTER. HE WONT WIN!" Anzai yells. The episode's almost over but a fight scene's about to happen. "i hope they don't do the thing where we have to see them fight in the next episode." Anzai says. "You know they will." Just as Y/N says the episode ends. "Dammit, they pulled an Attack on Titan." "Attack on Titan?" "You've never seen it?" "I've never heard of it." Y/N does a dramatic gasp. "OMG YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT. IT'S SO AMAZING!" "Okay okay i will jeez." he says while laughing. "Sorry it's just, i love Attack on Titan. It's one of my favorite anime's." "Can we watch it?" he asks excitedly jumping up and down. "What now?" "Yea. Let's binge it. All in one night." Y/N pauses. She looks at her phone. One message from BTS 🪐 "Sure."

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