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First Period

She doesn't give RM or Suga a side glance. I find it odd how when I sit with RM and Suga, all them bitches give me stares. but when SHE does it, there's no problem. They had a test that day too. They were supposed to help her study. She could barely take the test. Yuki wouldn't shut the fuck up. She kept giggling and trying to copy off of Suga. Y/N got so annoyed. Distractions aside she was very smart. She turned her test in first and asked if she could go to the library before her next class. As she walked out RM and Suga looked at her with awwwe as if they were waiting for her to speak to them. They desperately wanted her to.


As much as she wanted to sit with the boys, she couldn't. She couldn't go back on what she said. What they said. Luckily, Anzai was in her lunch. "Y/N!" He yelled. Loud. She blushed and hurried over to him. While she walked past the boys' table Yuki yelled. "Minnie! Minnie! Can i have some?" It annoyed the fuck out of her. She really stole MY nickname. bitch. Y/N ignored them and Jimin looked sad as she walked away. They all did.

Her and Anzai sat by themselves at lunch and laughed the whole time. They were chumming it up real nice. All the boys were cool with Yuki, they tried not to pay Y/N any mind. All of them, except Jungkook. He stared at Y/N hard. "What's wrong Kookie?" Yuki asked. "Nothing." He says straightening up. "Oh I'll show this bitch a kookie." Y/N says trying to get up but Anzai grabs her hand. "It's ok Y/N. Ignore it." She looked at him and knew he was right. "Yea, you're right." She says still holding his hand.

Y/N had vented to him about the situation. One night she broke down completely and started crying. Anzai held her the entire night. Ever since then, they've become closer with one another. "Looks like lunch's almost over. Let's go to class a little early." She says. He agrees. She leads the way to class and holds his hand. Tae sees this and doesn't like it. When he and Yuki head to class, he didn't hold her hand. "Tae Tae, why aren't you holding my hand?" She whines. "Sorry, I was distracted." He reluctantly takes her hand and walks.


Y/N and Anzai have to present today. The project was to research a country of their choosing and talk all about it. Extra credit if they can try and say something in the language. They obviously chose Japan. They did amazing. They even had a full conversation in Japanese. They were about to walk away when someone yelled. "Wait a minute. He's Japanese. That's not fair!" Shit. "Is this true?" The teacher asks. "Yes, he says. But-"

"It was my idea." Y/N says. "I'm also part Japanese but haven't been there as much as Anzai has. I just wanted to learn more about my heritage." "You don't look Japanese." One kid yells. They all start saying she doesn't seem Japanese. It was embarrassing but she didn't care. She cursed them all out in Japanese knowing no one would understand her. They ended up getting an A anyway. "Thanks and I'm sorry. I know it was embarrassing having to do that up there." Anzai says. "It's fine and no need to apologize. I'm used to it."


Anzai walks Y/N to class to make it up to her. "Really you didn't have to." "But I wanted to." He says. "Thank you though. I really do appreciate it." "Of course." They hug and he leaves. She sits somewhere else not with Hoseok Jimin and Yuki. The whole class Yuki kept yelling Minnie as if it were to piss Y/N off. Y/N got so irritated. Hoseok kept looking at her too. Don't stare at me as if you feel bad. I don't want your pity. Class ends and she leaves to Health.


She had a sub that day. Free period. She sat on her phone the whole time. Jin made an attempt to talk to her but she honestly didn't hear him. She would've appreciated the thought of him Atleast TRYING to talk to her but she genuinely didn't hear him. Yuki on the other hand "She's definitely ignoring you." She told him. He felt sad and left.


Gym was awkward. She wanted to play with Jungkook and the other guys but knew it'd be weird. She worked out instead. Some of the boys wondered why she didn't play that day. They were also staring at her with lustful eyes. "Hey!" Jungkook said. "Don't look at my- i mean Pay attention to the game!" My? They return. Quick glances here and there from the boys to Y/N. "My?" Yuki says to herself. "Oh i'll show him what's his." When gym ended she took her stuff and left. She walked past all the boys since they wait for Jungkook to leave gym. Not a word nor a glance.

As she gets in her car she notices something. Yuki leaves with the boys again. Only this time, she's more than usual attached to Jungkook. "Can we have fun tonight Kookie?" she says to him. He chuckles at her and gets in the car. Y/N sees it but doesn't think anything of it and pulls off.

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