Chapter 3: Jealous

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Taylor's POV

All this time I was looking at her eyes. And I can see it. From confused to shocked to disappointed to sad to angry. Then she started screaming...

"NO! He won't do that to me! Why are you doing this?! Why are you trying to ruin our relationship?! There's no way that what you're saying is true!" She said to me furiously while wiping her tears aggressively.

Okay. That stung. Why would she accuse  me? Ruining their relationship? Okay. I'll admit. I kind of thought of that. BEFORE. Not anymore.

"I am not trying to ruin anything. I'm just stating what I heard and saw. Now, sit down and calm youself---" annndd she cut me off people!

"Shut up! Just say it! You like him right?! That's why you want me to break up with him so you can take my place and be his girlfriend!"


Now~~ I'm confused. One. Where did she get that idea? Two. Why do I still find her cute during this situation? Urgh! If she only knew that she's the one that I like! "Are you crazy?!" I shouted. You can see the disgust on my face while i'm saying those words. I can't imagine myself liking that boy! I want to puke! "I don't like him!"

"Yeah? You DON'T like him?! Then why can't you look at his face for at least 10 seconds?!" She said mocking me.

That's true tho. But it's because I HATE HIM. That's the face of the man who took my chance to my bestfriend's heart away. Not that I think I have a chance because I think she's straight, but still!


I can't stop the jealousy creeping all over my body every time I see them holding hands, kissing, and doing sweet stuffs. I badly want to puke.

"Well. I have my... personal reason why. And I'm telling you Nat, I. DON'T. LIKE. HIM." i said with a shaky but slightly stern voice.

My voice is shaking because of nervousness. I might get busted today. But I tried to make it sound stern for her to know that I'm not lying.

"STOP LYING!" She shouted.

Here we go...

"I'M NOT LYING!" I shouted back

"Then why do I see jealousy in your eyes everytime I'm with him?!" She said. Still shouting. God! My ear drums!

Oh wait. Shoot. She noticed the jealousy on my face? I didn't know I was THAT obvious!

I don't know what to say. I don't know what to reply to her. What she said caught me off guard. But I have to defend myself.

But before I could even reply, an ugly voice, i mean a manly voice interrupted me. And what he said froze me. "Because I have you in my arms instead of having you in her gay ass" he said cockily.

I just stood there. Frozen.


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