Chapter 12: Like

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Natalia's POV

I feel bad for being a b*tch to Tay. I didn't mean to say that. I'm just mad that there are rumors spreading about her, having a relationship with someone. And ENGAGED?!

I mean it's fine if the rumors was about us. That actually happened when we first attended this school. The rumor died down after days of explaning that they were just friends.

When Katie arrived, I felt Andy froze. I'm not sure why.

I'm not that certain if Taylor likes me, so I decided to test the water.

I held Andy's hands and brush my thumb to calm him. I looked at Taylor and traced where she's looking, and I found my hand. I can't contain my happiness. I smiled.

I can't believe I didn't notice this before.

I tried my best to hide my smile. Now, I'm thinking of making her jealous, on a purpose. The face she makes when she's jealous is cute. It makes me smile. It makes me happy.

While I'm in this relationship, might as well use this to make me happy. I'm going to use Andy to make Taylor jealous.

That sound so bad but I know that he's doing that on a purpose too. I know that he's making Taylor jealous to boost his ego. He's being extra everytime that she's around.

I became extra cold to him since that incident and being 'sweet' all of a sudden would be suspicious... for others. I'm sure he'll not think too much of it. He'll just be happy that I'm returning his 'kindness'. So it's whatever.

I still hasn't talk to my parents about Taylor and I's situation. I avoided them. I can't face them without having an urge to cry.

I planed to avoid that conversation until I can already say out loud that I don't like Taylor without them noticing that I was lying.

But I doubt that I'll be soon.

Taylor's POV

After school, I headed home to change my clothes and looked for mom.

As usual, I found her in our kitchen...

"Mom, I'm going to go to Katie's" I let her know.

"Are you going to spend the night there, sweetie?" She asked. She stopped whatever she's doing and gave me her full attention.

"Uhm... no? We have school tomorrow, remember?" I said confused. Why would she think that I'm going to Katie's for overnight?

"Oh. Right!" She just said

"Why ask that question, mom?" I can't help but to ask.

She didn't look at me.

"It's just that you're spending A LOT of your time with her lately. Do you like her? What's the score between you two?" I heard my dad's voice. I looked over my shoulder and I saw him.

"N-no dad. I-I don't l-like her. W-we're just f-friends" I said with a shaky voice, getting nervous. They don't know about the plan. I'm a bad liar and I'm easy to read if you know me personally. This is bad. I need to go. "I-I'm going to h-head out n-now, mom, dad. Bye." I said. Kissing them both on the cheeks and walked away, fast, heading to the front door.

"She's hiding something" I heard mom said.

Get what I was talking about 'easy to read'?

I goy in my car and turned on the radio to ease my nervousness. Music calms me down.


"Not In The Same Way" by 5 Seconds of Summer

I don't ever wanna lie to you
But I can't say no to you
I know you think I'm bulletproof
But you know how to hurt me too
In the dark, we're black and white
In the morning, colorblind
Leave your mark with every bite
Then everything's alright
When you tell me you love me
Then you wanna leave me
Pouring your pills down the sink
Saying, "It's not what you think"
Don't know if I love you
Don't know if I hate you
But I can't forget you
And I'll always let you

Drink all night, never sleep
You say go, I won't leave
I love you, you love me
But not in the same way
Rip my heart out and leave
On the floor, watch me bleed
I love you, you love me
But not in the same way

I rolled my eyes. What's the problem with this song?! I know that she doesn't like me that way! I know! I. KNOW. NO NEED TO RUB IT IN MY FACE!

I really do hope that I like Katie, because that would mean that I'm over her. That I'm over Nat.

Or should I say NATALIA ...

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