Chapter 29: Answer

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Taylor's POV

"Hey Tay? Lunch's ready." Mom said from the outside of my room.

"I'm not hungry mom." I mumbled. Not even sure if she understand it.

But I think she did since she said, "How come you're not hungry? You didn't even ate breakfast. Since you came from Katie's party, you locked yourself in there."

Hearing her names hurts. It makes me remember what happened last night. It crushed me...

"I'm really not hungry mom. Maybe I just ate a lot last night at the party."

"Okay. But sweetie, if you feel like eating, the food is just down stairs alright?"

"Okay mom. Thanks."

I heard her left and I sunk into my thoughts again. They're so deep and keeps on swallowing me. Preventing me to breath.

But I don't know if I should try to save myself or just let it consume and drown me.

Should I fight against it or should I let myself reach the bottom and wait till I get numb?

Should I care?

Should I do something?

After what she did, I can't stop thinking about it and what did I do wrong?

Was this planned in the first place?

Am I that dumb to not notice anything strange?

Why did I fall for it?




Katie said that she'll give me the answer tonight.

And I'll wait.

I can wait.

I don't want to disturb her preparations so I waited till the party was over.

It practically ended at 11:59p.m.

And now? I can't seem to find her...

Where is she?

Even her parent don't know where she went.

But she's not the only person who's missing. I didn't saw Natalia at all. But we invited her so I guess that's it?


I was just walking mindlessly. Going nowhere. Thinking if Katie bailed on me.

But why would she do that?

I mean, we're in good terms? Right?

We even did IT two days ago...

... it's just after that, she acted weirdly on me?

Now that got me thinking. That couldn't be nothing...

But my thinking was interrupted by a panting Natalia.

"Uhm, what happened to you?"

"I..." she still trying to catch her breath. "I saw Katie..."

"Where?!" I immediately asked.

"In the restroom..."

"Okay cool. I actually need to talk to her. Thanks for the info." I said the smiled widely at her and walked passed her to go to the restroom's direction when she added something in her sentence.

Yours Forever [COMPLETED] (GirlxGirl)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora