Chapter 31: Graduation

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Taylor's POV

I can't function right. Our graduation ceremony just ended and we're officially going to college SOON.

I was supposed to be happy...

But I can't seem to find that smile that I should be putting on my face. It's lost. I'm lost.

I know my parents noticed it. They probably just didn't commented on it because they're expecting me to open up myself.

It's great to know that they're respecting my "privacy". That they're willing to wait for me to be ready and spill everything than pressuring me to tell the things that are bothering me.

And I respect them more for that.

I saw Katie and her family walking towards us. Her greeted mine, but I got lost in my own thoughts and I can't hear them talking. They're just mumbling inaudible words for me.

My thoughts ran about what had happened.

It seemed fast.

Everything happened so fast.

The cheating Andy. The fighting. The plan. The fakings. Nat apologizing. The cheating WITH Andy. Me losing Katie. Me losing Natalia.

I can't breath. I need to get out of here.

Everything went back again. My hearing. My consciousness about the things around me. And I just noticed that they're all looking at me.

"Are you alright, honey?" My mom asked.

"Y-Yeah. I think I just need some air? Excuse me." After I excused myself, I headed out immediately. I don't know if they said anything after that but I could care less

I went to the park inside of our school. A perfect place to breath. I went to the tree and sat on its root.

There are chairs everywhere but I feel like sitting in beside the tree. This is the largest tree in the school. And I think I'll miss this. I love nature after all. Then I thought of her again. We both love nature...

I closed my eyes and rested my back on the tree. I don't care about the dirt that could stick to me. I'm comfortable in this position so I'll let it be...

Natalia's POV

My family and I are already planning to go home for the celebration when Taylor's mother went to me.

Yeah. Taylor. I'm keeping my promise. If I keep calling her 'Tay', it'll feel like I'm not doing my promise fully.

"Have you seen Taylor?" She asked breathless.

"No? Why?" I asked confused. She's with them a while ago right? I saw her.

Is it creepy that I'm looking at her from afar? Maybe? But I don't care. It's not like I'm planning to knock her unconscious then bring her to a room with the walls full of pictures of her.

I would never do that.


I would never harm nor scare her like that

"She was with us, more or less 30mins ago. She excused herself and now we can' t seem to find her. Can you help us?" She asked pleadingly.

I looked at my parent with THE eyes and they just nodded.

"Where have you looked for her?"

"In their room, library, cafeteria, in the field, the gym, and of course, around this hall."

I think I know where she is. "Have you tried looking at the park?"

"Oh my gosh no! Thank you Natalia. I don't know why I haven't though of that place! Do you want to come with us? To look for her there? You know? To ease you? I know I kind of made you worry as how I approached you." She said then released her awkward but charming smile.

Oh as cute as hers. Now I really know where she got it.

I thought of her offer. I want to. SO BAD. But I made a promise.

"Uh, we are actually heading home. Just extend my congrats to her, please." I said then tapped my foot on the floor. I tried to stop it immediately.

She knows what that means. That's what I do every time she ask me and Taylor what we want, orange juice or milk.

Taylor always choose milk for both of us. She wants us to have matching drinks, but I want orange juice. I will release a smile at her and say "yeah, milk too, thanks" then tap my foot.

She'll bring a glass of milk and orange juice and when Taylor commented on it she'll say, "Sorry. I might have mistaken." Then she'll hand me the glass of orange juice at me and wink.

I was right. She still remembered what that meant. I want to but I can't. From looking at my foot, she raised her head and looked straight at me.

"Okay if you say so." Then she smiled.

I heard her call Katie's name. I walked away and flashed a smile at my parents. "Let's go home?" As said fake enthusiastically with a fake smile in the end. I seem to perfect faking every emotions that I show other people these past few months.

Taylor's POV

I don't know how long I've been here. I must've fell asleep. I found myself waking up when someone shook me.

"Hey wake up. Your mom's looking for you everywhere. Your dad's at the parking lot, hoping you're going to go there. But how can you go there when you're freaking sleeping here?"

I opened my eyes fully and I found Katie in front of me. Did she found me? That must meant something right? SHE KNOWS WHERE TO FIND ME!

"How did you know that I'm here?" I asked, just to be sure.

"I didn't your mom asked me to go here and look for you."

"Oh..." I really thought she cared for me. But the way she look and speak to me says other wise.

She stood up and started walking. "Stand up and go to the gym. Your mom's there."

I watched as her back getting blurry because of tears trying to escape from my eyes. I looked up and closed my eyes, causing some tears to flow down.

I guess this is really the end...

A/n: We're nearing to the end of the book! I want to congratulate the people who are still with me HAHAHAHAHA what kind of patience do you have? Lol. My updates don't take that long, but for y'all to wait an update in this kind of story?😂. The chapters aren't edited. Has a lot of grammatical errors. Wrong spellings. And the fact that this is my first ever story, let's face the truth, this is trash compared to the other stories here in wattpad😂. So i'd like to thank y'all for sticking with me!! I love you😘

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