Chapter 22: Meant

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Natalia's POV

My parents are already in my room. We're just waiting for them to arrive. I feel bad for Katie. I have allergies too. And I know how bad it could get. We didn't closed the door, so we could easily see them.

We didn't look around, afraid that if we do, we'll end up missing each other.

When we saw them coming, my parents approached them immediately. My dad gave Katie an epinephrine injection. "Go check for other symptoms, I'm going to get some ice and find some hydrocortisone cream. I can see hives on her." Dad said to mom.

My mom agreed and started asking questions to Katie. We discovered that she has an allergy to pickles since she was a kid. Since then, she never ate one. She doesn't know where she's allergic though.

Mom said that it can be from a preservative that a pickle or a pickled product has. She stated that she doesn't know about it since her mom always do the talk to the doctor, given the fact that she's still a child that time.

The major symptoms like closing of the airway, difficulties in breathing, wheezing, feeling nauseous, dizzy, abdominal pain, etc. wasn't present at her so mom thinks she's fine.

Thank God.

My dad came with the cold compress and the cream. And they started to apply it.

Katie said that she remembered, normally, when she ate a pickle before, worse things happened. "It's probably because you only took a small amount pickles this time. It was also mixed with the other foods that's why it doesn't have that much effect." Mom explained. "If you want, we can go to the hospital to further check---"

Katie cut her. "No need ma'am. I feel fine---"

But Tay insisted. "We're going to the hospital. I'm going to call your mom. Here. Hold this. Keep applying the cold compress and after the call, I'm going to apply the cream to you." And she left. Not giving Katie a chance to protest.


My dad went to the hospital with them first. Mom and I stayed to cut the party and after made the closing remarks, we went to the hospital too.

It's fine. It's already late anyway, so ending it earlier than planned didn't bother me that much.

When we arrived, my dad asked if he could talk to me in private. Like I can say no for an answer.

"Is Katie and Taylor together?" He asked.

What?! Why would he think of that?!

"Uhm. No? Why ask, dad?" I tried to be calm but inside? I'm fuming.

He shrugged. "Dunno. They're pretty close and kind of..."

"Kind of?" asked by me. Getting impatient. Curious.

"... touchy."

I looked at him with a poker face, mentally saying 'seriously?'


"What?" He raised his two hands. "She doesn't come into our house this past weeks. I thought she doesn't like you anymore and found someone esle." He, then, shrugged.

Hearing that Tay doesn't like me anymore hurt my feelings. Specially my own father said it, himself. But I'm confused. Why is he looking for Tay? He's mad at her, right? Because she likes me. I'm confused.

"Isn't that what you want, dad? For her not to get close to me since she likes me?"

"Uh... No?" He said. Uncertain. Looking at me. Silently questioning what I just said.

"B-But you told me that day to fix---" he cut me off.

"Yes. I told you to fix it. Dump Andy boy and be with Taylor." He paused. "You know that we hate Andy. We didn't sugar coat it. No offense honey but we know that he can't love you. He's a player. It's obvious. He has the aura. Besides, you like Taylor. Your mom and I knows it. You can't hide your feelings from us, sweetie. What did you do that time then?"

"I-I..." I can't say it. I'm ashamed of what I did. Oh God.

" 'I-I...' w-what d-did y-you d-do?" Dad said. Mocking me.


Really? In this situation?


"Dad!!" I gave him a dirty look

"Okay. I'm sorry princess." He laughed. "But seriously. What did you do?" He asked seriously this time.

"I may or may not pushed her away? Asked her to go and to never talk to me again?" I said looking down in shame.

"What?!" My dad shouted like a kid. "Then she met the Katie girl?"

I just nodded. "I think so?" I mean, they're close? Like, You're not suppose to know someone's allergy if y'all aren't close. Plus the fact that Tay has Katie's mom's phone number. AND the rumors that spread around the school after Christmas.

If you put all of that together, THAT COULDN'T BE NOTHING.

"I won't be surprised if they're together then. We saw how much she loves you. FOR SO LONG, if I might add. And you pushed her away. She might thought that you chose YOUR 'BOYFRIEND'. She has to move on. and then she met this girl. They developed some feelings towards each other. And tada! They're now a couple!"


"I feel your support, dad. I want to cry. I feel so loved."


"Of course. I'm your father anyways. I think it's just normal to support you and your decisions"

Dad - ^_^

Me - =_=

"Kidding aside, princess. Why did you pushed Taylor away?" Dad questioned me.

"I thought you don't like the idea of it. That you and mom won't accept me if you both figured out that I like Taylor too. That I'm a bisexual." I said looking down. Ashamed that I thought of that.

He hugged me. "Don't ever think of that again, princess. We will love you. No matter what." I cried in his arms. Knowing that I was accepted by my parents is the best Birthday gift ever.

"But you do know that if, and only if, Taylor and Katie are together, you have to endure it. It's the consequence of your decision. Either you accept it or you'll do something to get her back. You can't erase 'LOVE' that easily. Specially she said it herself. She felt that since she met you. The competition is between years and months. I believe in you, princess. Break up with Andy and get Taylor back." He said and winked.

That's what I love about my father. He doesn't 'baby' me. If it's my fault, then it's my fault. But he won't leave anyone hanging. He'll give you some advice and will let you know that he's just there when you need him.

But I'm still not sure if Tay and Katie have a relationship.

Did they lie to me when I asked them?
There's only one way to find out.

I need to ask Tay...

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