5: in the closet

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Killa in MM

Alexa POV

After they decided they was done minding me and Killa business they all went outside and grabbed the groceries from Killa's car. I grabbed a sharpie and wrote my name on all the jugs of fruit punch lemonade. After that I started grabbing the pots and stuff and Killa came behind me talking bout "what you bout to cook"

"I don't know yet, what y'all want?"

"Idk bout them but I want chicken and mashed potatoes"

"Ehh, I'll consider it." knowing damn well ima make it cause I love potatoes. Mash potatoes, baked potatoes, smothered potatoes, allat.

They brought the groceries inside and me and Killa started making the food while everyone else sat in the living room doing whatever.

"Can you cut the potatoes?"

"how you do that?" during this short time in the kitchen I've noticed Killa can't cook for shit. I showed him how to cut the potatoes.

Not even a hour later the food was done, we ended up making mashed potatoes, pork chops, and green beans instead of what Killa originally suggested.

Me and Killa decided be petty and not tell them the foods done. We fixed our plates then casually sat down in the living room.

"Uhh, so you wasn't gone fix me no food lex or tell us it's done? I see how it is" Andre said before getting up and going in the kitchen

"Right, you was just gone let your baby sister starve Killa?" Kay added before following Andre into the kitchen.

J-money and Rose shook their heads before going in the kitchen too. They were in the kitchen arguing over the extra pork chop, meanwhile me and Killa finished our food. We decided while they did that we were going to attack them with the nerf guns we brought when we went grocery shopping. We quickly grabbed our nerf guns before creeping to the kitchen and shooting everyone up they were all screaming. When we emptied our guns Killa grabbed my hand and we ran to the elevator. We went to the 3rd floor because we know they'll check our floor first. We took our guns and went into a random closet.

Neither of us had our phones so we sat in the closet for about 5 minutes playing random hand games like Rock Paper Scissors and shit. Then we heard some twerking music. "They tryna lure me out" I laughed while twerking on Killa.

"Ima need you to stop moving, you know this closet tiny asf. We shoulda ran to a walk in closet or sum"

I laughed and kept dancing on him cause ain't shit else to do. He kissed me and I kissed him back, not on no r Kelly shit but MY MINDS TELLING ME NO BUT MY BODY, MY BODYS TELLIN ME YESSSS. It started getting a lil heated so I broke the kiss. We just breezed past it and ended up talking about random things, and eventually they turned the music off. We waited for about 20 minutes minutes after they turned the music off and came out the closet. We peeked and make sure the coast was clear. I wiped a lil bit of my lip gloss off him and when we crept to the first floor so we could go to our rooms.

Once we made it to our floor we determined the coast was clear. "Aye you want watch a movie in my room?" he asked right before I went in my room.

"Yeah, lets take showers first. I'll be there in bout 45 minutes." He nodded and soon as we opened our room doors we was getting shot up from every direction.

"IF YALL ASSES DONT STOP DIRTYING UP OUR FLOOR. GTF OUT" they all started laughing and left once they emptied they clips. We picked up all the bullets and put them up before going our separate ways.

I took a shower and did my night routine, then I slipped on some black Nike Spandex and a red tank top. I slipped on my red fuzzy slides and made my way into Killa's room. He was on his phone so I decided to jump on him, he started tickling me and I hate being tickled. "STAWWPPP" I yelled through my laughs. He let me go and we got comfortable. We were both facing the tv, he was behind me and he had his arm around me. We ended up watching a comedy movie, then a action movie. After that I was tired so I rolled over and went to sleep.
I woke up in Killa's arms, I watched him for a few seconds before I decided I was going to go back to sleep. I took about a 10 minute nap before waking up again because I had to pee. I tried to slide out the bed but Killa tightened his grip. "Where you going?" his sleepy voice sound sexy asf !! "I gotta pee, and I'm hungry" He rolled on top of me before saying "you could hold it & someone gone cook eventually"

I smacked my lips "man move" he want act sleep and stuff so I pinched him and he mugged the fuck outta me before letting me up.

I laughed and he sucked his teeth. I went to my bathroom and to pee really quick. I then did my morning routine and threw on some sweats. I walked downstairs and nobody was there except Rose.

I started to cook breakfast for everyone and rose came to help me. "Wassup with you and Killa" she asked me cheesin like a mf.

"Nun, we associates. Why you say that?"

"Girl y'all was literally hiding somewhere with no electronics for 2 hours, what y'all was doing?"

"We was hiding from y'all , duhh"

She rolled her eyes "your ass so vague, what's tea" she said as she fixed her a plate of food.

"It ain't got no tea, we're coo ain't too much else to say." I fixed me and Andre a plate and texted Killa that the food was done. He asked me to bring him a plate but I said no, but then he said he'd give me $5 to bring it so I fixed him one and brought it to him.

He tried to get me to stay but me and Andre have a breakfast routine that we do atleast twice a week. I made my way into Andre's room with my food and his. We turned on spongebob and ate breakfast together, like we did at our old house.

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