15: caught?

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We got back to the house and sat in a circle in the living room. We called Kay downstairs so she could play too, Jazz was with her so we let her play too.

"Okay okay lets play" Rose said and I nooded ready for the game.

"I'll go first" I said. I picked J-money and he choose dare.

"I dare you to run up and down the street yelling the aliens are coming, there's a ufo."

He accepted the dare and started running down the street yelling it, a random man joined him screaming.

"I KNEW UFOS WERE REAL, SAVE US LORD, THE ALIENS ARE COMING" the random man yelled and we started dying laughing.

J-money started making his way back to the house but the man kept following him. J money started full blown running from the man, but the man was right on his tail yelling stuff at him.

"Think we should help him?" Layla asked.

"Nahh he'll live." I said and everyone else agreed.

He eventually out ran him and came inside.

"I ain't never doing no shit like that again." He said as we all sat back down.

"Lex since you want do that shit. Truth of Dare?"

I choose dare and he dared me to give Killa a hickey. I shrugged, that's a easy one.

"J-money don't make me beat yo ass, ion wan see that" Andre said mugging him

"Well turn your head" Layla said making me laugh a lil bit.

I waved him off and did the dare. Everyone has been asked atleast 3 times except me. The games going well and it's really interesting. People had to tell there first time, act out there favorite position, Andre had to go skinny dipping, Jazz ran down the street half naked, Kay told her mom she was pregnant and Killa was about to get beat, etc. I've been dying laughing this whole time.

It was Layla's turn and she asked me so I choose truth.  "Tell us about your first time."

"Umm.. it was technically forceful but I don't count it." I shrugged. Everyone went silent which made me slightly uncomfortable, shoulda took that shot.

"Andre truth or dare"


We breezed past it and continued the game. It was Jazz's turn and she asked me truth or dare and I choose dare.

"I dare you to take the make up off your neck." She said smiling.

"dammit" i mumbled. I picked the bottle of Hennessy up and took a shot. I'm not bouta get my ass beat by Andre.

"Nahh, why you got make up on your neck" Andre asked side eyeing me. SHIT ABORT MISSION. How ima get outta this. Currently debating which of my 3 lies to go with.

"I don't, that's why I drunk the Henny." I lied.

"Mhm, rub your neck then." by this point all eyes were on me.

I rubbed my neck and luckily no make up came off. I thanked the lord in my head before speaking.

"See I told you"

"Use water" he said making me roll my eyes.

"Man I told you I don't have make up on my neck, y'all wasting my time" I said getting up.

I smirked when I turned around. I'm just gonna wipe the side of my neck opposite of the hickey. I went in the kitchen and grabbed a paper towel.

Killa POV:
Ion really care if it come out, cause what's done in the dark always comes to light.

Andre left the room and I felt a hole being pierced into the side of my head. I looked up and Jazz was staring at me, weird ass mfs. I try not to call females out they names but she make it real hard.

"Yo why the fuck you staring so hard?" I asked her

"I'm sorry" she said lowly. I didn't even bother to reply cause she ain't worth my time.

Andre POV:
I was waiting for Lex to get out the kitchen when my phone rang. I saw it was Spin and decided to answer the phone. I showed Rose the caller id then walked off. *Spin is his right hand, I told y'all bout him in C8 but this his first appearance*

"Some people robbed one of the warehouses today." He said sounding both angry and stressed.

"Fuck you mean?!" I yelled through the phone.

"man you heard me. they took bout 10k. I just know it was them south side niggas... dirty bitches" he said mumbling the last part.

"Man I'm omw to the trap now. Ima have Lex do the numbers after I deal with some of this shit" I said rubbing a hand down my face.

I know 10k ain't gone hurt us but I don't play bout my money. This shit then pissed me off.

I walked back in the house Lex was right there with a towel.

"Hurry up and rub your neck I gotta go." I told her. She rubbed her neck and nothing came off so I let it go.

"Ight, I'm bouta head to the trap real quick. I should be back in a few hours give or take." I said grabbing my keys and walking out the door.

Lex POV:
I shot Jazz a quick smirk and sat down by Killa. Thought I was caught fashoo, honestly I don't care bout them finding out. I just don't feel like watching Andre do the most.

Andres a curveball, he might shoot Killa or talk to me about my feelings. He so weird, sometimes he blows up other times he just has a talk with you.

Another thing is, technically we're both single. I see no point in confessing if we ain't dating yet.

Rose sent me a spill the tea look, causing me to throw my hands up in surrender saying there is no tea. Then we started going back and forth talking with our eyes and hands.

"What the hell are y'all doing" j-money asked laughing.

"We talking duhh" I responded

"How the hell you gone talk without talking, you sound dumb shut up"

"Obviously we doing it. And I know yo ballon headed ass ain't calling nobody dumb. Krispy Kreme ass mf, shut up. Only speak when spoken to."

"I know yo big head ass ain't talkin, you belong in Norbit. Ole I told your ass ain't nothin happened, face ass. You and Killa belong on a episode of caught." He shot back making his voice higher during the quote.

I bussed out laughing, never did he just quote Rasputia.

"No the hell we don't. You look just like them damn animals they let out the zoo. Monkey looking ass."

"Curious George face ass." Killa added.

"Donkey Kong head ass. Lemme go call Animal control"

"Killa mind your business, frozone looking ass boy. Know you can't wait to scream honey where's my super suit. " j money said.

"Dont play on him. That's why you look like Steve Urkel, don't look for us look for your suspenders."

"Y'all so childish" Jazz said interrupting J-moneys comeback causing his attention to turn to her.

"Bi— girl shut up. You needa be worried bout how your voice bigger than your body. BYRROOOONNNN head ass."

Eventually everyone started roasting eachother. 30-minutes later we all decided to call it a night, cause we're tired.

When we went back up stairs Killa asked me to go on a date with him tomorrow and I said yeah.

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