26: my nephew

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Weeks Later:
"Ima miss this house." I pouted looking at the mansion. Today is the day everyone decided to move out. Someone already brought the mansion, so we split the money. We basically got back everything we paid for it. Rose is now 9 months pregnant and overdue. They thought they would be fresh out the hospital when we moved but apparently not.

Even though we're moving out of the mansion we brought new houses on the same street. Rose and Andre have already set up their house. She called me crying once they finished the nursery. Plus her and Andre got engaged. They're gonna get married in about a year, once Devin can walk. Layla and J are happy they found out there having a girl, she's only about 6 months though so they still have time. I've been shopping for their baby too.

They lowkey giving me baby fever but I definitely won't be acting on that any time soon. Me and Killa want to wait until after marriage, so we're extra careful. Plus, we're only in our 20's we have time and I'm not in a rush. We decided we wanted to take about a year to travel the world. We're young, rich, and in love. Why not go and see the world. Traveling is something I always wanted to do but I pushed it to the side for college and work. Now it's time to be happy and do what I want.

We want to be here when Rose gives birth but after that we're gonna start our travel plan. First we want to go on a road trip across the U.S. After that we want to go to every continent. I'm so excited I can't wait, we've already planned out like half our trips and brought tickets. We're gonna come home and visit like every 3 months. Now that I think about it, we probably didn't need a house right now. But whatever, it's good to have a place to call home & you never know what could go wrong.

"That's the last box." J-money yelled causing me to stop thinking.

"IMA MISS LIVING WITH YALL." I said wiping a single tear that fell. Rose was full blown crying, them hormones then turned her into a cry baby.

The U haul pulled off and I gave Rose a big hug. I instantly let go when warm liquid hit my feet. "I KNOW YOU DIDNT JUST PISS ON ME."  two seconds later I realized what happened before anybody could say anything. "OHH WAIT SHIT, IM SORRY NEPHEW BUT YO LIL ASS COULDVE WAITED TILL I MOVED."

Andre quickly got Rose in they U-haul and went to the hospital. J-money and Killa were driving the other u-hauls so they coming after they park them at the new houses. I quickly went to Walmart and got me some shoes, since it was quicker than going to the house. They didn't have there baby bag so I brought stuff I thought they would need and packed them a bag. I also got them some clothes, I'm really the best sister/aunt/bestfriend ever.

30 minutes later I pulled up to the hospital and gave Andre there stuff.

Some hours later:
"Awww he's so cute!! He look just like Andre." I smiled grabbing Devin from Rose.

"I'm pissed off bout that. I carried his lil ass damn near ten months and he don't look nothing like me."

"Welp, try again." I laughed.

She sucked her teeth. "We'll see. Anyways-" she stopped talking when she looked at my feet. "Girl wtf you got on."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Man I had to get some Walmart shoes cause Devin ass decided to come mid hug."

She started dying laughing. "Girl, make sure you throw that shit away once you get home."

"I will, but Shid something better than nothing. It's this or be barefoot."

"Lemme see him." Killa said gently taking the baby from me.

"Damn, I ain't even get to hold him for 2 minutes."

"You'll live."

"Heyyy" Layla smiled walking in rubbing her belly. She took the baby from Killa and started rocking him. Then J-money took him from her. Then Andre took him, basically we were playing hot potato with the poor child.

We spent a couple hours at the hospital then we all decided to leave to let rose get some sleep. Except Andre, of course he spent the night.

Me and Killa went home and started unpacking and setting up our house. The furniture and stuff already arrived. Since our vacationing starts soon we wanted the house to be done. That way we don't have to come home to an empty house when we visit.

"I kinda want a dog." I said randomly as we unpacked stuff.

Killa looked at me like really nigga. "What we gone do with a dog. As much as we gone be moving around the poor thing gone starve and fuck up our house."

I waved him off. "I was just thinking out loud. It's not like ima actually go buy one, yet. I want a horse too tho, should we get a horse ? It could stay here and fuck up the back yard."

"No we can't get a horse and let it fuck up the back yard. Plus it still gotta be groomed, by the time we get back the thing gone have flees and shit."

I sucked my teeth. "Why you gotta make sense and shit ... buzzkill."

"We could buy a horse and give it to one of those organizations. It don't have to live with us."

"You know what you right. Finna go buy me a horse right now." I said pulling out my phone and googling horses for sale.

And yk what I did ?

I brought me a mf horse pooh.

And yk where it's living? Not at our house suh.

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