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Why are we here Missy!?! Little Rishab asked Barsha holding the end of her casual dark green top. She couldn't reply to that question, actually she wasn't listening to him. Her one and only concern is now, what will doctor say? She was looking at the counter where Darshan and Jiya is doing some paper work for the check up.
A little girl was running inside the hospital, a nurse grabbed her and took her inside, she was wearing a patient robe. She must've some serious injuries, after all, it's a cancer hospital. Seeing the girl, Barsha held Rishab tightly. She can't think about the fact that she might lose him in a very painful way.
Jiya is restless today. I don't know how Barsha told her about Rishab but I can say that , her heart is shattering into pieces, every minute. She is asking thousands of questions to the receptionist,
J~ you said doctor will be available within an hour.

Receptionist~ yes mam, but it's a critical surgery. We can't barge into the OT and ask doctor to come here right? Please wait a bit.

J~ ok so tell me when will he be free? We can't wait here all day!!!

I tried to stop her but she is something...I mean she literally jerked off my hand when I tried to pull her from there.
Receptionist~ Mam. He will be free within an hour for sure. Please have a seat till then.

J~ but...

Me~ Jiya.. Jiya..!!! Listen to me. I grabbed both of her shoulder and pulled her aside.

He is my friend. I know him. and he knows we are coming today so,, just calm down okay? She wasn't looking at me. Her watery eyes were hiding from people who are passing us.

Jiya?.. you are the only one who can be there for Barsha. I know you are strong enough for that. I said and I tried my best to keep a gentle face.
I know sir.. I know. I have to be strong. You know why? Because her father saved my family. I got curious.
Yes sir. Her father gave up his job for my father. There was a time when we lost everything. Our family almost reached at the position when we were about to come out at the streets. It's Barsha's father who gave my father his position. We will never forget that. From that day, we consider them as our family. And they need us right now. I can't be weak Sir.. I just--- she was about to cry but I patted her shoulder.

Darshan???? A familiar voice called my name. It's my friend and our one only hope for now,
Dr. Gaurav Jain.
Even doctor can hear my heartbeat. It's beating so fast out of fear and anxiety. He was asking Rishab some random questions. Darshan is standing with Jiya at a corner of the chamber , sometimes his calm face giving me strength to hold myself.
Okay. I am done with my check up. Darshan...I want someone to wait with Rishab, outside. Doctor doesn't wanna talk about the problem infront of Rishab. That's probably for Rishab's mental health.
Jiya took Rishab,and went outside.
Okay...So Miss. Gupta. First let me cheer you up. No need to fear about anything. So please, smile.  He is really sweet. The way he said that, I actually felt relaxed, relieved.
I saw the report, also I asked him about the symptoms. Rishab doesn't have any symptoms.... Yet. [That means he will have those symptoms soon??] We have to examine Rishab properly. The problem is , Rishab's age. He is so little to handle an operation. We don't know yet that his body can handle it or not! I looked at Darshan. He grabbed my fist.
I know you have a solution Gaurav. That's why we are here. I don't know his friend can help or not, but I trust Darshan more than the doctor. If he can trust his friend, I can too.
Yeah.. I have a solution. Doctor looked at me.
Admit Rishab here, in this hospital. My team will always be there for Rishab here. We will try our best to cure him using medicine. But if that doesn't work, we'll have to proceed with the operation.
When he said 'Admit Rishab' , I felt pain. That means I'll be all alone. Rishab will be here. I can't see him ?, he will not be there at night beside me,? I will not be able to hug him at night?'s for his best.
When? I asked. When we need to admit him doctor?

TIME~between Life and Death [Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now