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✍️ Today... I am very sensitive for some personal reasons. Today something very special happened,so I thought, today is the best day to write this chapter. !
          I understood something, I learnt something.  In order to live your life, one must have a reason to Live. ! One cannot live his/her entire life without any reason or purpose. But finding your true reason of life is extremely important. It can be something or someone. And living your entire life with someone is called love.✍️


The little boy went to his neighbour to play with his crime partner Sidhharth.
Holding the entire cricket set, Little Sid came running from his house front door.
He sat behind Darshan's bicycle, and went towards big field to play cricket. Both of them were just 12 years old.
Darshan told everything about his summer vacation to Sid. He expressed every insane experience with that stupid smile of him.
When he came home,, he saw his parents are fighting with each other. That little boy Couldn't understand why they have to fight everytime.. he didn't tell Sid that his parents also fought during vacation. Sid wanted to spend evening with Darshan but seeing his parents fighting, he left. Mr. and Mrs.Raval saw Darshan with dusty clothes along with a sad depressing face, they stopped fighting. But the inner heat of anger at each other still flaming between Mr. And Mrs.Raval.
After few months, those mini fights ended at court.
Darshan was sitting with his Grandma and watching at his parents who are now stating logics infront of Judge that who will keep Darshan. But that boy wants both of them, together.
When Judge asked him, with whom he wants to stay?
With eyes full of tears and broken, shattered heart, sensitive, precious Darshan said
"Grandma.. I'll stay with Grandma!".
After few years,
Darshan hugged his Grandma showing his marksheet. Kind old woman kissed his forehead as a congratulations.
Grandma~ so.. now what? What do you want to be?
D~ Naani... I want to be a writer. I want to write stories like the ones you tell me.
Old hands wrapped the big boy around.
He is the most sensitive boy. Although he wants to stay with his parents but he can't. His father was always busy with his business trips. His mother doesn't want to go back with his father, which upsets him the most.. even more, it's making him angry and sentimental.
One day he proposed the girl he loved the most in front of his friends. The gold digger stole his heart away. Few years later he wrote a book about his one and only love. "TALE OF YOUNG LOVE" ----- but his selfless, pure effort went in vain. His Mihi didn't even read it once. After few days, Darshan left the city for some reason. But he decided to return back to surprise Mehak. With a lots of love , hope and excitement---- he wanted to surprise her. But in return he got betrayal. He saw her with some other guy in bedroom, cuddling.
He didn't say any word and left.
Later on he went back to Mehak , begging for his love but... She lose interest and slammed the door on his face.
Now, he only had his Grandma to hold onto. He loved her. Only she can understand his pain. But she didn't know that her grandson started drinking already.
Darshan's one and only hope and reason to Live was his Grandma. But that didn't last long.
One diwali, because of those stupid, loud, dangerous crackers, Old woman started feeling unusual. She had heart problem. Darshan tried to stop those lowlifes. He begged them not to lit those cracker. But he failed.
That night he lost his one and only reason of life.

Barsha was silently sobbing infront of me. I tried my best to tell her everything. 
S~ He started drinking excessively. Whenever I met him.. he was drunk. It was like alcohol become one and only companion.
One day he suddenly had severe pain in chest. He fainted out of pain. After the test we got to know that he had 'Cardiomyopathy' .... It's a heart disease. Excessive alcohol consumption made this happen. Also it's genetic in his family. His grandfather had this.

B~ how severe it is? Finally she asked with shaking voice.

Me~ well... He needs a heart transplant. We have a donor too.

B~ then ?

Me~ then he will be fine and fit. Like other normal healthy people.

B~ why the hell he is not doing it???

Me~ According to Darshan... He doesn't have anyone to live. So.....

Barsha stood up. Turned around and started walking towards the outside.
I stopped her.
Me~ Barsha... Stop.. please.. what happened?

While wiping the tears she replied He needs to answer some questions.  He needs to----- He have to.. he have... He have to.
While uttering these words, she left.

(The most short chapter I guess... But it's the most important one.
Soooo.. everything is clear now right?  Idiot Raval is being stupid. Let's see what happens next.. till then.. spread love 💙)

TIME~between Life and Death [Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now