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️ Some people think that living life is difficult. Well.. it's true. But that doesn't mean it's painful.
People these days are very busy with their lives and often forget to live the moments to the fullest. Which is sad. Even if you are busy, do something which makes you feel happy and alive. Hug your mother, crack a bad Joke with your sibling.. pat your pet or any loving animal you meet.
Living every moment of life is important... We never know, when we will have to say goodbye to this beautiful world.!


🌧️ BARSHA 🌧️
Let's go!!! He said looking at the tree house.
Where? Up there?I thought he just wanted show me, but now he wants to climb up there.
D~Yeah... There is a ladder. Come...
Atfirst I felt a little bit fear to step on to that almost broken ladder, but his confidence gave me high hope that I will not fall from almost 10-12feet.
My feet stucked at the last stair, gravity tried so hard to pull me down but Mr. Strong Raval grabbed my wrist and literally pulled me up as if I am a mere Barbie doll.
D~ Are you okay?
Me~ yeah,good .. thankx.
D~ let's go inside. He smiled like a little boy. A jumpy excited kiddo Raval is in front of me right now. His excitement got higher when he was opening the wooden door.
As we entered into the room.....
A dusty , soaked wooden smell hits every senses of ours. Fresh smell of green leaves were also roaming around us which covered half of the tree house. Some toys, empty bottle a small bed was there. Dust and little spider webs were the proof that after a long time this tree house is having two humans.
D~ I should have bring you here after cleaning this up. It's such a mess.
But I was happy to see the tree house like this. Somehow the entire atmosphere writing a fairytale itself. A Prince saving his Princess from a witch and bring her here to save her.
D~ Siddharth's father helped me and Sid to build this. He stood near the small window. I stood next to him.
My father was always busy with his meetings an all. Never cared about my feelings. He lowered down his , wrapped around his memories of his father. I tried to change the topic.
So....this place is kind of your childhood crime spot huh? And Sid was your crime partner? I tried my best to keep a happy mocking smile.
D~ yeah. He smiled.
Me~ So... Tell me..some of your great crimes!
D~ ummmm------- oh.. one day both of us were riding our bicycles. Sid got really happy whenever he rode bicycle. So we were racing, there...he pointed his fingers towards the plain straight road. So what happened... There was uncle in our neighborhood , he was carrying a lot of water bottles. Sid suddenly lose control and hit him from behind he started giggling that uncle, Sid fell on the road also the entire water from a big bottle fell on them his giggle turned into mini laugh.
Me~ and what you did?
D~ I was very good kid. I ran away from there.
Me~ WHAT!! you... You didn't help Sid?? That is not good Darshan.
D~ I was a good kid to myself he smiled proudly.
I was like... Really?? But he is looking damn adorable right now.
I turned my face towards another way, smiling.
D~ what??
Me~ Nothing
D~ you wanna hear more?
Me~ yes please.
And he starts again.. I can listen to him for my entire life. The spark he has on right now,, it's indescribable.
D~you know the same uncle.. one morning he came to our house holding a big box. He put the box in front of my mother saying 'Mrs.Raval ... Aap hi batao.. should I start business with these balls.?? Your son already broke half of my building's windows with this. ' both of us laughed real hard. I never saw him like this. A kiddo bubbly Darshan.
Out of nowhere he said while locking his eyes with mine...

I won Sid.
His laughter turned into a loving glowing smile.


TIME~between Life and Death [Completed]✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz