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chapter thirty nine.
episode thirteen.
songs: none.

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Camila is around Finn, a lot. When Camila isn't in her AP classes, she's in the classes that she shares with the tall boy. She has Glee Club with him, and she's cheering for him during football games. He was the first football player she was ever introduced to when she moved to Lima and they quickly became friends.

In all the time that they've spent together, he's never once gotten really, truly, angry. Sure, when he used to come over and play games with Jack to help keep Camila company when her dad was gone, he would throw his remote and yell at Jack. But it was never too serious.

Well, not serious like this anyway.

The small Cheerio watches as Finn storms into the room, a look of pure and utter rage on his face. He tackles Puck to the ground, immediately slamming his fist into Puck's face. Camila backs up out of shock, interlocking pinkies with Santana as a form of comfort. When Santana sees the look of fear on her face, she disconnects their fingers, but immediately replaces it when she fully interlocks their hands.

Camila feels a little bit of the fear disappear as Santana stands a little closer to her, but she doesn't pay any mind to it, focusing more on the scene in front of her.

Will runs into the room, trying his best to pry Finn off of Noah. "Hey, come on, come on. Get off him!" Mike, Matt, and Jack quickly stand up, helping in holding them back from one another. "Knock it off! Get off! Get off!"

"Tell the truth!" Finn screams.

Puck scoffs. "Punk just walked right in and sucker-punched me."

"Don't play dumb—you're too freaking dumb to play dumb."

"Come on!" Will yells out, trying to stop the boy's attempts at getting free.

Tears stream down Quinn's face as she watches what's happening. "Who told you this, Finn?"

"Obviously, it was Rachel," Kurt announces.

Rachel shakes her head. "What? I didn't do anything."

"Yeah, it was Rachel, but I want to hear it from you." Finn's voice gets quieter as he stares at Quinn. "I want to hear it from both of you."

Will places a hand on his chest. "Finn, just calm down."

"No! They're both lying to me!" He moves away from Will and stands so he can look at his best friend and his girlfriend. "Is it true? Just tell me—is it true?"

Quinn nods slowly, trying to get closer to him. "Yes. Puck is the father." She sobs out.

"So, all-" Finn shakes his head trying to make a coherent sentence. "-all that stuff in the hot tub... you just made it up?"

"You were stupid enough to buy it," Puck says, resulting in Finn trying to go after him again.

Will pushes him back again. "Hey, hey, hey, hey."

"I am so sorry." Quinn cries.

Finn shrugs his teacher's hands off him. "Screw this. I'm done with you. I'm done with..." He throws his arms up angrily. "I'm done with all of you!" He storms out of the room, kicking a chair aggressively on the way out.

Everyone stares quietly at the empty spot where Finn once stood, not really knowing where to go from here.


"This is going to be a trainwreck," Camila mutters to Brittany, putting her head in her hands once she hears Jacob Ben Israel's voice as he walks onto the bus.

Brittany nods in agreement. "Yeah, probably."

Santana looks over at the two girls quietly talking to one another and she leans over. "Hey, Britt, do you mind switching spots with me?"

The blonde blinks a few times, but nods nonetheless, ignoring Camila's confused gaze as she takes Santana's spot next to Quinn. Santana scoots in close to Camila, smiling weakly.

"What's up San?" Camila asks, still very confused as to why she moved seats. "Is everything okay?"

"Uh, yeah. I just wanted to sit here." Santana shrugs.

Camila nods, resting her head against the back of the seat as the bus begins moving. "Do you think we're going to win?"

Santana purses her lips, trying to think of an answer. "Do you want my actual opinion or do you want my Camz the optimist opinion?"

The shorter girl snorts. "'Camz the optimist'?"

"Yeah. Sometimes I just embrace, well, you, and then I tell you what I know you want to hear."

Camila bursts out into a full-blown laugh and she shakes her head. "Do you really do that?"

Santana shrugs. "Sometimes. I know it makes you feel better if someone is optimistic about the issue. It helps you be all positivity and sunshine."

"I'm not really feeling positivity and sunshine." She mutters. "I actually thought we had a chance."

"I know." The taller girl agrees. Neither of the two says anything for the rest of the trip, waiting to see if they could pull out a win from this.  

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