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chapter seventy.
episode twenty two.
songs: none.
a/n: i literally don't know how long it's been since i opened wattpad but i just did so here are some more chapters

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Camila, along with the rest of the New Directions sit around Will's living room with downcast looks on their faces. They decided to have a little get together after the unfortunate news spread around that Sue is going to be one of their judges for Nationals. It hit them all rather suddenly that Regionals is probably the last time they'll get to be with each other as a member of the Glee Club and each one of them is looking around, trying to suck it all in.

Will and Quinn walk out of the kitchen together, the pregnant girl with a stack of paper plates and napkins in her arms. The pizza box lay open on the middle of the coffee table, but everyone is too distracted by their moods to even think about eating.

"No one wants any pizza?" Will asks, trying to lighten up the mood, but no one responds. "Alright, well, uh, let's get started. Thank you for coming to the first annual New Directions' Regionals' setlist nomination party."

Camila looks down at her lap, playing with one of the frays of her skirt with one hand while Santana holds the other.

Artie glances at the two sad-looking girls before looking at their teacher. "What's the point, Mr. Schue? Coach Sylvester's one of the judges. She's gonna crush us."

Will shakes his head. "Artie you don't know that."

A sigh leaves Santana's lips. "Yes, we do. She told us at Cheerios practice."

Camila swallows harshly. "She literally said, 'I'm going to crush the Glee Club'."

"And then told us to tell you that she hates your hair," Brittany adds.

"A whole freaking year," Puck mutters angrily. "All that hard work for nothing."

Jack crosses his arms over his chest. "Why the hell does she even have that vendetta against us? We did nothing wrong!"

Before anyone even thinks of answering the shaggy-haired boy, a sob escapes Tina and everyone looks at her. "I'm sorry. I just really love you guys. You know how many Facebook friends I had before I joined Glee Club? Two. My parents. Rachel was right. Being a part of something special—it made me special." A few more sobs leave the girl and she shakes her head. "I just can't believe it's going to be over in a week."

Camila leans up against Santana, trying her best to keep in her tears. Santana glances down at the girl before tightening her hold on her hand.

Finn sits up. "Wait. Who says it's going to be over?"

Mercedes scoffs, getting choked up. "Please. You think Puck and Santana are going to even acknowledge my existence once we're not in Glee Club together anymore?"

"She has a point." Puck nods.

Rachel sniffs, holding onto the pillow in her arms tighter. "Mr. Schuester?" When the teacher looks at her, she continues. "Do you think instead of nominating songs, we can just... all go around the room and talk about things that we loved about Glee Club this year?"

The teacher just stands there frozen, staring at all the distressed teenagers in front of him.


Will walks into the room with a sigh, heading straight to the board without greeting the kids like usual. He pulls out a black marker, writing the word Journey on the board before underlining it. Rachel walking into the room and over to the man.

"Mr. Schuester, Finn, and I have something we want to say to you."

He nods. "Me first. Have a seat." When the duo sits down he fully faces his students with a small smile on his face. "Nine months ago, there were five of you in here. And we sucked. I mean, we really sucked. Bad." He chuckles when he sees a few smiles lighting up their faces but then goes serious once more.

"One day, all of you are going to be gone. And all of this, all of us will be nothing but a hazy memory. It will take you a second to remember everyone's name. Someone will have to remind you of the songs we sung, the solos you got or didn't get. Life only really has one beginning and one end, and the rest is just a whole lot of middle. And I love you guys too much to let you not make the most of it. Now, I was going to quit once, but you guys brought me back with 'Don't Stop Believing'. It was a nine, but we are going to make it a ten."

Rachel looks around the room in disbelief, a smile stretching her lips upwards as she speaks. "We're doing 'Don't Stop' at Regionals?"

Will nods. "And then some. We are doing a Journey medley. Because who cares what happens when we get there when the getting there has been so much fun?" Camila and Santana smile at one another, along with some of the other duos in the room. "Rachel? You had something you wanted to say?"

"Just that we're all really glad you didn't become an accountant." She says with a laugh.

He chuckles himself. "Regionals, here we come."

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