Chapter 51, S-rank Mission!

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"What's the meaning of this?", I narrow my eyes as I look back over to him. He had his face chinned up as he stared right back at me.

"According to reports regarding your recent missions, you haven't been acting like yourself lately. Staying in the Anbu Black Ops will only further harden your heart. And so staring from today, you,  Itachi Uchiha will be relieved from the Anbu duty. You will have freedom to choose whether you want to be a Jonin like Kakashi or work with the Uchiha Police Force, you will still be informed about what goes on in the village, and I still hope that you'll accept the S-rank missions that'll come your way", he elaborates, leaving me stunned at what he'd just said.

"So now you're bending the rules?", I humorlessly scoff and squint my eyes, "it took Hanabi's life for you to realize how living like this hardens one's heart?".

"No", he replied, making my brows crease, "Hanabi was precious, but the reason I'm relieving you from your Anbu duties is because I know you were never able to find happiness again after Hanabi. With that being said, I want you to find what can awaken life within you again", he pushes away some paper work and sighs.

"How poetic", I roll my eyes and decide to finally stroll away. He simply sighs as I exit the door and close it shut.

Now that I'm free from the Anbu Black Ops I can't think of anything else to do. As I exit the Hokage's building, the stormy weather is immediate on my face. My ponytail extended down to my waist. I'd contemplated cutting it more than once, but something always held me back.

Upon this stormy weather I'd found nothing better to do other than self-inflicting, by making myself recall. My feet were carrying me over to somewhere, but I didn't know where.

Four years ago, I'd almost lost it when in front of everyone, Danzo had treaded towards me with a sympathetic face and handed me Hanabi's Teleportation kunai.

"This was all that remained...", he remorsefully addressed. I'd simply peered at him wide-eyed as I bit back all that was on my mind and pushed down my tears. I took the kunai with a heavy heart while I stared right into Hanabi's eyes. Which he concealed, using dark lenses.

I'd done a good job concealing the truth from everyone all these years, and sometimes I can't help but think that someday I might just snap and divulge everything. The village and the clan have been in good terms for the past four years. The Uchiha and the village's higher ups are finally able to see eye to eye.

Shisui is now twenty years old, making him an adult. He's still working hard at the Uchiha Police Force. He'd made sure the Police Force stop with the brutality and have a more composed approach.

Father would praise Shisui's progress from time to time, making me feel bad that I've become so useless. And now that Hiruzen had kicked me off of the Anbu I can't imagine what father's reaction would be towards this.

After all, I'm supposed to be the role model for Sasuke and the youth of the Uchiha clan to look up to. Shisui is way better at that than I am at this.

Rumor has it that he's currently experiencing a bit of romance from a Kunoichi about my age. He'd kept it a secret though, and even blushed whenever his little relationship was hinted at.

Yes, Shisui of The Body Flicker blushed at the mention of his girlfriend. It'd left a lot of girls from the Uchiha clan as well as the village envious. I'd always hear girls talking about how handsome Shisui is. How they'd say they'd kill to see him smile so they can catch sight of his dimples. I scoffed to myself as I recalled how he'd ask me to create a Genjutsu so it appears as if he's not present.

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