Chapter 9, Mangeykō Sharingan

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Itachi's P.O.V

"Lightning Style! Flying Raijin Jutsu", Hanabi bellows, tightening her grip on my hand. From my peripheral vision I caught a glimpse of her biting down her lip hard enough to make it bleed. Performing this Jutsu in such physical state was probably going to take a toll on her body, that was evident since I felt her nails dig into the back of my hand. From the looks of it, she wasn't doing it on purpose.

I glared at Danzo, tightening my hand in Hanabi's. Shisui's expression suggested that he was still registering the sudden sight of Hanabi and I. However, it was a little later that I realized that Shisui was actually eying the altered pattern of my Sharingan, which had the three spinning dots of a typical Sharingan merged into what appears to be a shuriken with three blades.

Nothing can match the anger that filled me at this moment. How dare he harm my best friend and a member from my clan when I specifically asked him for more time? What does he want from Shisui anyway?


I look over to Shisui, the way his eyes widened when he spotted mine.

"You've awakened your Mangeykō Sharingan!", he addresses in disbelief, he then proceeds to alter his stare to Hanabi. Before I could direct another glare at Danzo, I felt my body travel through time and space in a single flash of seconds. My body felt like it was stretched for miles and miles. It was all too sudden and unexpected. My eyes felt blinded by the sight of a great light and the next thing I know, I felt the touch of cool grass beneath me. The stench of earth after rain filled my nostrils and a jolt of pain shot to my head.

I sat up straight my breath suddenly heaving at this teleportation experience. It was a real wild ride, that rendered me astonished. When I finally became aware of my senses again, my head whipped side-to-side. I was going to go frantic if it weren't for the sight of Hanabi's kunai that was pierced through the bark of a tree.

That only meant one thing.

The Teleportation Technique was a total success. I stared at the Kunai in awe, refusing to believe that we actually teleported our way out of a battle.

I calmed down once I spotted an exhausted Hanabi and a Shisui that was still trying to process what happened. Hanabi sat up straight and tried to pace up her breathing as well as her heartbeat. Shisui was so focused on Hanabi he was at lost for words.


"Shisui", I managed to say, my mind still trying to process the fact that we disappeared from battle in a blink of an eye.

"Are you guys okay?", My eyes darted to Hanabi who was staring ahead of her.

My eyes never left the girl who managed to save my best friend. She has literally saved the Uchiha and the Hidden Leaf village so much trouble.

"What's going on?", Shisui inquired looking back and forth between Hanabi and me.

"Hanabi are you okay?", I felt my heart sink at the terrible sight of her. I hissed at the pain I felt in my hand. That's when I realized that our hands were still intertwined together. She has dug her nails so deep in my knuckles, it has begun to bleed.


There was no response that emanated from her. It was as if though she was unable to hear me. Her wide eyes suggested she was suffering from a sudden shock. Her lower lip dripped with crimson blood. One of her nostrils leaked with blood as well. I was quick to place my hand on her shoulder and shake  her a bit.

"Hanabi?! Can you hear me?".

Her body was trembling abnormally, before it came to a halt on its own. Eventually, our intertwined fingers unfolded, making a cold blow of the wind wash away the heat we built. Her head suddenly shot up, and started looking for something frantically. Once she spotted her Kunai that was stuck in the bark of a tree, her expression altered completely.

Her features softened and she whispered in disbelief, "I did it".

"Yeah Hanabi you're awesome", I remarked.

Deliberately her eyes travel to the boy next to her. Her eyes met Shisui's confused ones and she abruptly pounced back, landing next to me.

"Don't look at me like that!", she demands.

"Um hello to you too, I guess?"

I chuckled at her reaction, the paranoia and stress from earlier leaving my body completely. My body finally felt free enough to inhale a deep breath. There was no pit in my stomach left anymore. Shisui was safe, currently having a stare contest with Hanabi who keeps blushing.

The Uchiha will not cause a civil war, just yet. I look over at Hanabi and Shisui, and cleared my throat. There was some imperative explaining I still have to do as of now.

Tonight has changed the flow of everything. A round of silence fell upon us. There was no telling about what is to happen from here on out, but one thing for sure is that starting from tonight, Hanabi will know of all the problems that have been burdening me.

All the controversy surrounding the Uchiha.

Now, they'll burden her too, they'll haunt her.


A/N:- Not much happened, I know. In the next chapters there will be more that'll happen. I want to make it clear that today I envisioned the way I'll end this fan-fic, so now I definitely know where I'm heading with this story, you just have to bare with it. Love!!


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