Chapter 53, In Vain

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Father's face altered completely as he leered at me, with his judgmental eyes. He clenched his jaw and frowned upon me. From the corner of my eye, I spot the startled Sasuke and internally curse myself for making him witness something so traumatic.

Fresh hot blood seeped from my aching wound as I clenched my jaw to muffle my shrieks.

"Bite back your tongue"

"What is going on with you Itachi?", he asked, the judgmental frown still intact on his face as he divulged the next bit, "forget it", he then alters his gaze to Sasuke, who flinched, and said, "Sasuke, you're coming with me to attend the meeting with the higher ups tonight".

"B-but father-"

"No arguing with me", father almost yelled back at Sasuke.

He darts his distasteful expression towards me again, his nose scrunched up in disgust as he says, "if you're only looking to cause trouble then I suggest you go back to your room"

"Fugaku", mother attempted to intervene, but I could already sense her dissatisfaction.

My arms fell to my sides as I lowered my head in despair. Blood dripped down from my wound as I put away Hanabi's kunai.

Is this what Hanabi and I fought so hard for?

A senseless village who doesn't care about their youth?

D-did Hanabi die in vain?

All three of them stood still in anticipation of my next move. Mother and Sasuke were looking concerned while father folded his arms and kept frowning. I slowly chinned up and tilted my head to look at Sasuke.

He's eleven years old right now, which made my eyes spark with emotion. He's now the same age I was when I first joined the Anbu and got caught in between the flames of the village and the clan. And now father wants to burden him too?

I've took every burden upon myself up until this point, and I'll continue to do that because if I can never be happy in this life then at least the upcoming generations and Sasuke can.

I pushed back my tears and straightened my posture. Flashing father a glare with my bloodshot eyes before storming away and cursing under my breath. I clenched my fists and ignored the wince that was going to elude me due to the wound on my hand.

My feet carried me to the shower, where I took off my shirt, revealing my slightly built figure. I unfolded my Leaf headband and tossed it aside with my other soaked belongings.

My body felt cold as I pushed myself against the tiled wall. I kicked off my pants and shoes, making sure to open my ponytail. Where my long hair strands fell and clung to my back muscles.

I took a deep breath before opening the scorching water and going right under it. My fresh wound stunk and ached, but it didn't matter, because the aching in my heart is way greater. I scrubbed off every tear, every trace of blood and the feel of Shisui's punch which was still fresh and intact. I splashed my face with the scorching water, hoping it'd wake me up.

If cold water couldn't bring me to my senses, then scorching hot water sure can. I scrunched my eyes and wiped my palms over my face, catching a curt breath before I slicked back my hair away and opened my eyes.

Once I finished scorching myself under the steamy water, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a white towel over my hips. I gathered my dark locks and wring them to drain them from the excess water.

I halted for a moment and stared at myself in the mirror neighboring the shower. I wiped off the steam that clouded my image and stared at myself in awe. Even the Anbu tattoo that was embedded in my bicep brought back memories. The vertical lines that run down my wrist are a painful reminder too.

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