Chapter 17, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 1

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Ask and you shall receive. This chapter is dedicated to @joshaya4everstydia and @Andrea159123 This is a special thank you for all the support.

Battle Ground, The Hidden Rain Village

"It's finally here!", a Leaf shinobi barges in the tent, what he clutches in his hand will determine an end to the bickering between Fugaku Uchiha and Hayate Namikaze. The two formidable shinobi stand back as they make space for the messenger.

"Lord Hokage has officially dispatched this hawk to inform us of his final decision".

Outside the tent, the pressure grows by the second. It's the dead of night, but no one could afford to blink an eye because the Hidden Stone menaces on. In The Village Hidden in the Rain, it mercilessly rains upon the battle site and it might serve as the perfect opportunity for the Hidden Stone to attack.

The tent holds its breath as the messenger unwraps the scroll. Hayate and Fugaku exchange a glance as the messenger begins to speak, "I, who have been chosen by my predecessor to hold the title of the Third Fire Shadow of The Hidden Leaf request that the forces lead into battle by Fugaku Uchiha and Hayate Namikaze shall await the arrival of my disciples, The Three Legendary Sanins until further notice".

The two formidable shinobi took a moment to digest Lord Third's request.

"I object", Fugaku declares lucidly and searches Hayate's face for any trace of agreement.

"Shinobi from the Hidden Stone are already aware of our presence on this battle site. Sitting here waiting for Lord Third's disciples will do no good".

Hayate fixes his gaze elsewhere and his mind begins to race back and forth. What should he do?

"Now that's something we could both see eye to eye", Hayate remarks, making sure to flash Fugaku a friendly smile.

"But we can't defy the Hokage's orders!", a Chunin shinobi protests as he managed to catch their attention.

Fugaku and Hayate narrow their eyes at him, reminding him who's in charge.

"But Lord Third isn't on the battlefield now is he?", Hayate apprises, his features getting illuminated by the flickering candles as he watches the newly appointed Chunin.

"Lord Fugaku, Hayate Namikaze", the voice of Ichiko Uchiha cuts through the current argument. Ichiko steps up towards Hayate and Fugaku, the entire tent has fallen silent at her intervention. She exchanges glances between the Uchiha leader and Hayate Namikaze.

"I see that the fear from the Hidden Stone has rendered two of our fine shinobi immobile", Ichiko smirks, crossing her arms over her chest as she treads closer. Her long dark braid falls back in a straight line. Rumour has it that she had recently unlocked her Mangeykō Sharingan.

"Lord Fugaku and Hayate Namikaze, you fret too much", she lowered her eyes as she said this, her Leaf headband glistening under the small flicker of the candles.

"If no one has any ideas or objections then I'm taking lead since these two are in a tight position", Ichiko announces, her eyes narrowing in search for someone's objection.

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