Chapter 29, Perplexed Emotions

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Hanabi's P.O.V

"It already has, Shisui...", my voice trails off in an attempt to muffle my cries. Shisui was rooted in his place, his muscles were rigid and no sound eluded him as he simply stared with his parted mouth. He obviously didn't see this coming, but neither did I..

"You...", he whispered, his voice was barely audible and his eyes sparkled with curiosity , " come?...what happened ?..."

A tear trickled down my face and I closed my eyes, I felt my hair float with the flow of the breeze as I deactivated my Sharingan. When I opened my eyes again I hesitantly informed, "I don't even know..."

"Hanabi...", Shisui managed to say, his eyes unblinking, "your Sharingan is completely stable..."

"I know..."

"But how come?!"

It seemed like he was utterly confused at this, which made me more frustrated than I already am.

Why did Minato lie to me?

I backed away a little and found my back pressed against the wooden banister as I lowered my head. Shisui remained rooted in his place as he expected me to start suddenly elaborating on everything.

"I...I always knew my father was a Namikaze...", I begin, feeling the pang of uncertainty in my chest. If anyone had ever known the truth about me, that'd be Minato.

"But whenever I'd ask Minato about my mother...", I sighed, my eyes were droopy and tired of everything.

"He'd tell me that my mother wasn't from any special clan, and that she was from a normal family...", I bit down my tongue to restrain the rising cries. Why did the most important person lie to me?

"And so what if she even was from an ordinary family? I heard she fought in the Third Great Ninja had to get my hands on this..", I slither the file that Itachi had stolen from my strapped kunai bag. It had some wrinkles here and there, but that wouldn't matter.

Shisui's eyes lowered down, he took the file from my hand and opened did.

The Third Ninja War: Clan Casualties

"Don't bother looking", I declared, my eyes fixated on the bland water of the lake, "there's nothing in there..."

Shisui's brows creased, he closed the file and place it aside. He took a step closer and informed, " know that only means one thing", Shisui had leaned against the wooden banister beside me, "you don't posses the common features of an Uchiha, but you have acquired the visual prowess of one and that insinuates one thing..."

He swallowed the lump in his throat and I held my breath, looking in his eyes. I could see that we were thinking about the same thing. I clenched my insides as he managed to say, "your so called mother which is supposedly from an ordinary family is actually an Uchiha".

"I figured as much...", I respond and dart my glance elsewhere, "...I just wonder why Minato lied to me..."

The butterflies circled around me when a round of silence fell upon Shisui and I. Why do these butterflies always appear out of nowhere? They land on my shoulders as usual.

Shisui gave off a faint smile as he held out a finger for a butterfly to rest on.

"Why do these butterflies follow you everywhere?", he inquired, while inspecting the delicate white wings of the butterfly on his finger.

I chuckled softly and replied, "I honestly have no idea".

"Oh well they sure keep you company don't they?", Shisui was smiling at the petite creature, his eyes mesmerized by the movement of its wings.


The round of silence that followed was surprisingly broken by me when I suddenly inquired, "Does all this mean that I am by any chance an Uchiha?".

My question was so abrupt it had scared off the butterflies around us.

Shisui looked back at me and said, "You might be of Uchiha descend, but you don't have the Uchiha's remarkable features. With your blonde hair and blue eyes, I suggest you keep the your Sharingan hidden. No one will ever see it coming when your blue orbs alter crimson".

"Oh", I blushed.

Blue orbs?

"On a more serious note", I began, hesitantly saying the following, "What does Danzo want from Itachi exactly?".

Our eyes connect, but his body had gone stiff again. He lowered his head as the wind blew away his dark strands.

"What do you think he wants from Itachi?", Shisui inquires and looks up at my face for an answer, "Danzo hates the Uchiha clan, but is secretly a fan of their visual prowess. He even tried to take out my eye balls out of their socket", Shisui informed, the tone of his voice was hinting at something. Something that my gut feeling has tried to deny over and over again.

If my mother truly was an Uchiha then that changes the flow of everything that has occurred so far. I won't be helping Itachi and Shisui only for their sake. The Uchiha clan is now somehow my clan too? And now it's not a choice for me to protect it and its people. It is and obligation for me to ensure the safety of my mother's clan members...

I posses the Uchiha dōjutsu even though that doesn't make me an Uchiha. I don't even know what makes someone an Uchiha, but technically, my mother makes me an Uchiha.

"Danzo wants to plan a coup d'etat on the Uchiha clan doesn't he?", I ask, even though I know the answer to that question is rhetorical. Still, I wait for a reply from Shisui.

"Pretty much..."

I bit my lower lip and clench my jaw, my fist balled and I said, "Can I ask you something?"


"No", I cut him off and resume, "you must answer honestly Shisui", I say, not meeting his gaze. His silence made me hold my breath.


"Who are you really trying to protect here?", I inquired, the question taking us both by surprise and making us fall silent. Shisui had lowered his head then, he seemed more tired than I am but replied, "I want to protect my village".

"What about your clan?", I carefully ask while side eyeing him, "if the Uchiha wouldn't stop their current behavior...", I hesitate for a moment then continue, "would you then resort to what Danzo had ordered?".

The question was harsh, to the point where Shisui fell in utter silence, the sole sound emanating form the whistles formed by the howling wind.

"I have a plan...", he suddenly says, making my head jerk up in surprise. Shisui raised his head, but instead of looking at me he looked past me, "if all else fails..."

He paused...

"We'll have no choice, but to resort to bloodshed..", these words were left hanging in the air around us as Itachi said them. I turn around on my heel and my eyes wandered until they fell on...Itachi?


A/N:- I deeply apologize for the lack of action, but I'm still plotting some things in advance. I also want to show you the character bonds forming between these three so yeah. Once again, I apologize and I really consider myself lucky for having such great readers!! The highlight of my days has been writing this fan fic for y'all and I really really REALLY don't want to let y'all down. I'll get to work once I get some good sleeping hours. Also I have managed to stretch out the plot a bit so yeahh. Hanabi, Itachi and Shisui are going nowhere.


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