Chapter 71, The Good, The Bad & The Uchiha

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"This is the truth about what happened four years ago at the Final Valley. This is the truth that was kept hidden so no uprising would occur in the Hidden Leaf. Hanabi lost her eyes, and so did Ichiko Uchiha and all you ever did was turn a blind eye on everything. Disregarding the injustice done for the sake of an ungrateful village".

"And so I ask you", my eyes flare over their aghast faces as I rub more salt on the wounds, "if we are burdened with the mistakes you should've taken care of a long time ago, then why do you still exist?".

I turn around on my heel and demand, "For what reason does a Hokage exist if two thirteen-year-olds were carrying the entire village on their shoulders? Danzo kept criticizing my clan over and over again, while you stood back and let him loose. He dismantled and disregarded all that my father did in the Third Great Ninja War and refused to acknowledge his efforts".

"You failed to keep a leash on Danzo and look what happened now. Not only did he try to kill a thirteen-year-old, but also forbade Hayate and Ichiko from experiencing the joy of parenting. Tell me, Lord Third. What in the world did Hanabi do to deserve a parentless life? Even Shisui was willing to bite back his tongue for the sake of the village and his clan. I carried this burden of being torn between my village and my clan for as long as I could remember, and I bit back my tongue for the sake of an ungrateful village that treats Lord Fourth's orphan like a monster ", I stomped the surface of the table from the anger that boiled my blood when painful memories stroke back and forth.

My menacing voice earned me a few gasps from around the table. Nevertheless, I kept a cemented frown on my face as I stared at Hiruzen Sarutobi with detest.

"Naruto Uzumaki harbours the Tailed Beast of the Land of Fire. Hanabi Namikaze did all she could to prevent the coup on the Uchiha, at a great cost. Shisui Uchiha was willing to remain silent for the sake of his village and clan after being targeted by Danzo. My father obeyed every one of your silly orders, despite from the inside. I internalized my trauma for four years in hopes that this village doesn't go up in its own flames. And after all that these people have done for the sake of the village, still you, Hiruzen Sarutobi get praised off of someone else's blood, sweat, and tears?".

"How is that fair?!", I demand, my voice being the sole thing that echoes round and round in circles, "you don't deserve to wear that Fire symbol when all you've ever done was let others sacrifice".

His eyes were as wide as they could get, and he stared back at me with furrowed brows.

"It's a shame really", I crinkle my nose, letting all the pain spill, " The God of Shinobi and The Founder died for the sake of a village that's against its own people. If any of you ever think of going after Hanabi, or targeting her then..."

I leave no more room for hesitation and retort instantaneously, "you'll have to pass through me first, and we all know at this point that the flaw to your every plan is my very existence".

It doesn't matter how many times I turn on me heel, because regardless, all I can see on their faces are the dropped jaws and wide eyes.

"I-Itachi...", father gasped, but I kept my gaze cemented on Hiruzen, waiting for any refute or objection.

"And for your information", I declare out loud, making everyone flinch at the stern tone of my voice, "Hanabi joined the Akatsuki despite from the inside, seeking interest in keeping this ungrateful village safe".

"W-what?", Hiruzen's head jerks up in my direction as he awaits for my confirmation.

I give him a gruesome glare and hiss out loud, "let me set the record straight here once and for all", I take in their expressions and declare, "Hanabi, the hybrid between the Uchiha and The Namikaze injured Shisui using her mother's Red Butterfly Technique to warn us".

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