Chapter 85, The Weight of Guilt

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Stay calm...

Don't panic...

It'll be alright...

You'll get them back...

Hanabi I'm so sorry....

"Goodness how did I let this happen?", I stared blankly at the ground beneath me.

Hanabi...she warned us and's too late now...

A single tear slipped away as I felt my chest tighten at the thought of Sasuke and Naruto getting hurt.

Mother and father hid this from could mother even keep calm when she knows her son is out there in grave danger?

Then it hit me...

She did it for me, so I don't burden myself with the weight of guilt...

Damn that Kabuto, but why would did he kidnap them?

What ties does he have with the Akatsuki?

"Itachi", Shisui caught my attention instantaneously, "Lord Fugaku has been restlessly investigating this case since last night, I heard that a search party is going to be dispatched discreetly tonight".

"But why do they need to keep this a secret?", I demand, feeling a surge of pain in my chest.

"They don't want to plunge the village into panic, Naruto is the Jinchuriki of the Land of Fire, if anyone learns of his abduction then they'll know that the village is at risk", Shisui quickly elaborates.

I swallow the lump in my throat and look at him directly in the eyes, "The message...Hanabi warned us about this...but now it's too late...Sasuke...Naruto...they're gone..."

"Itachi calm down we'll figure this out..."

"I'm trying...", I start performing my coping mechanism as I breath in and out accordingly until I calm down my pacing heart.

"We can complain about everything later on do I need to do-"

"Find Lord Fugaku, Itachi..."

"R-right", I said before hopping off of the banister sill and rising to my feet again.

"I'll never forgive them for letting their guard down like that", I hiss under my breath as my mind wanders off to the worst.

How did they overlook Kabuto completely?

That bastard...

This is not the time to drown in guilt and think about the last conversation I had with Sasuke...

We'll see better days...

"Shisui we don't have time to waste, I'm off to the Police Force", I declared and and exited the gazebo instinctively.

Shisui nodded in response and followed me quickly.

Simultaneously, Shisui and I began running together as different thoughts roamed my preoccupied mind.

How did everyone overlook Kabuto Yakushi? I understand why he abducted Naruto, but why Sasuke? What's his relation with the Akatsuki?

My breath began feeling unsteady as I began brooding about Hanabi. She did warn us beforehand and we didn't get the chance to take her warning into consideration. And now we're paying the consequences of our ignorance.

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