Chapter 37, Ghost of The Uchiha

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Hanabi's P.O.V

"The Uchiha district is up ahead!", I yelled at Itachi who was running behind me, struggling to catch up. The white winged butterflies were frantically trying to tend to the wounds in my palm. I was speed running all the while trying to keep a positive mindset.

The night was getting colder by the second. Luckily, my attire managed to keep me warm from the night's chill. Occasionally, I'd wipe away beads of sweat that formed on my forehead with the back of my hand.

I look to the side and catch sight of Itachi who'd managed to catch up somehow.

"Hanabi", Itachi called out breathlessly, his hair floating around him, "listen I'm sorry.."

"Save it", I inform in a stern voice and scrutinize what's ahead. The woods seem to be endless at this point and I know better than to expend my chakra on speed running. I'll need the efforts if the Uchiha district turned into a battlefield.

"Itachi", I suddenly call out to him hesitantly. I still don't know how to feel towards what I've learned. My mind was consumed about what could possibly be happening at the Uchiha district that I'd completely overlooked how I should register the fact that Itachi had somehow committed treason.

What my mind failed to comprehend is whom did he betray exactly? Did he betray the village? The clan? Shisui and I? Or just himself?

"How long?", I inquire, lowering my torso to make myself run faster, "how long have you been in contact with this man?".

I could feel the hesitation radiating from him as he replied, "...sometime now"

I gave no answer and simply kept running.

"Hanabi", Itachi called out.

I had to look over my shoulder and force my legs to stop since he'd halted in his tracks.

"Why'd you stop?", I inquire breathlessly as I stare at him blankly.

"Hanabi do you hate me?", he deadpanned, his head had been lowered perilously.

Why all of a sudden???

I swallowed a lump in my throat, whatever I was to say right now will either make him or break him. I gathered my thoughts again, rummaging through everything that has happened in this short time.

Even though I wasn't in the best condition to decide how I felt I knew that no matter what, hate is a strong word.

Did I hate Itachi for keeping secrets?


Am I mad at him for not confronting me with the truth?


Is it the best time to decide how I truly feel about all this mess?


After all, Itachi does have his fair share of burdens and concerns that weighed him down to this extent. Keeping this in mind, I tread closer towards him, taking in a deep breath.

Here it goes.

"I don't, Itachi, I can't hate you even if I wanted to", I address, my heart began racing, "I know that all you ever wanted was peace and goodwill for your village, so how can I hate someone who tried their best? Your efforts haven't gone unnoticed, at least not by me...".

The sight of his eyes that sparkled with emotion made my heart sink. His tears glistened in the dark as his entire body went stiff. His expression suggested that he was holding his breath as he looked at me with those tearful eyes.

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