Chapter 16, Not Bargained For

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Hanabi's P.O.V

It was currently morning, the rays of sunlight shining through. I've spend the night at the Uchiha leader's house and were given extra clothes since my usual ones were soaked from the pouring rain of last night. Shisui slept in Itachi's room and I slept in the guest bed room. I was given by Mikito the traditional Uchiha clothes. A black shirt with a high turtleneck and short sleeves, and the Uchiha crest on the back.

I've caught a cold from last night which is why I feel so unmotivated at the moment.

"Oh! You did catch a cold after all", Itachi had scoffed last night.

I lay in the warm bed as I stare blankly at the ceiling. There's so much to do, but so little energy to get it done. Kakashi should at least be concerned that I've disappeared like this. I sighed as an image of him reading the Make-Out Paradise popped in my head. How he'd blush like a little girl as he freakishly flips through the pages.


I get out of bed, making sure to neatly fold the blanket and bed sheet in place. The Uchiha shirt was a little too baggy for my taste. It's not the kind I'd want to go into battle in. I double-check the room once more, making sure I've tidied any mess I've made last night. I'm not usually this clean, but first impressions are important.

I exit the room and march my way to the kitchen where Mikito spotted me and said, "Hanabi you're up! Good morning".

"Uh, morning", I attempt a small smile, hesitantly I recoil but ask, "Thanks for letting me seek asylum here, but I have to get going...can I get my clothes back?".

"Oh why are you in a rush? You can go back to the village along with Shisui and Itachi, oh and Sasuke has to go to the Academy. So I don't see why you can't have breakfast with us", the smile she flashed me stirred up an alien emotion inside me. Whatever it was it sure made me feel warmth.

Is this what a mother's love is supposed to feel like?

Oh well that's a question I'll never get answered.

"Uh, you're too kind", I rub my neck nervously. She was preparing some dishes when she suddenly began tuning out as she stared at me. I was getting nervous and confused at the same time.


I spin around on my heel and see the petite figure of Itachi's younger brother standing a few inches away. He looked about Naruto's age, the same puppy dog eyes and spirit. He pointed at me and burst out laughing.

"You look funky in that Uchiha shirt!"

My brows raised and I felt my face heat up suddenly.

Ah, there might be some truth to that...

"Sasuke!", Mikito frowned upon her not-so-kind son.

"Well that's all the more reason for me to get changed", I awkwardly smile at Mikito as she sighed in defeat.

"You'll find your clothes outside in the garden", she informed and resumed preparations for breakfast. I however turned to face Sasuke with a frown and a twitching eye. He flinched and backed away slowly. That's when his ear was pinched by none other than Shisui of The Body Flicker.

"You babble too much nonsense Sasuke", Shisui scoffed as Sasuke tried to wiggle out of Shisui's grasp. Eventually Shisui let go of Sasuke and looked at me, "Never mind him, that Uchiha crest suits you well Hanabi", he remarks, making me blush a little.

"I agree", Itachi remarks, emerging from behind Shisui, gathering his loose dark strands into his signature low ponytail.

"Morning to you two", I greet nonchalantly and scurry away as I felt like I couldn't conceal my red cheeks anymore.

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