Chapter 26, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Final Part

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The Tsuchikage would've never given in to a peace treaty if it weren't for Minato Namikaze. 

The Tsuchikage felt obliged to take the offer of a peace treaty when Minato Namikaze single-handedly took out circa one-thousand stone shinobi all by himself during the war. As a result, he'd earned himself a moniker of his own. The Yellow Flash of The Leaf. Minato had felt honored, but it had reminded him of Hayate. The Yellow Spark of The Leaf.

The Third Hokage established a policy of reconciliation to bring an end to the fighting with an unprecedented offer to not seek reparations from the Hidden Stone. Advocates for the war opposed Hiruzen's seemingly weak decision, and to keep dissatisfaction in the village in check, he decided to step down as Hokage. 

The recollections of Ichiko and Hayate had haunted Minato, but the war was finally coming to an end so that was something to look forward to.

After Hiruzen's retirement as Hokage, the Land of Fire had two candidates in mind for the position.

The Yellow Flash of The Leaf and One of The Three Legendary Sannin.

Minato Namikaze and Orochimaru were the selected candidates for the Fire Shadow position after displaying formidable effort during the war. However, the position was left solely for Minato after Orochimaru paid more interest in his illegal experiments and Jutsus. Later, he'd deserted his village and was branded as a rogue ninja.

"So that settles it then?", the Feudal Lord waved his fan back and forth, eying the council carefully. Everyone aside from Danzo looked satisfied.

"Minato Namikaze it is then"

The council's decision was unanimous and the news was quickly dispatched to Minato himself along the rest of the village.

"I'm going to be Hokage", Minato had informed Kushina when he got home. Kushina had taken a moment to digest this information before engulfing him in a hug.

Hanabi had heard too, which is why she rushed towards him and asked in disbelief, "You're going to become Hokage?",

Minato had only smiled and ruffled her hair, saying, "Yes".

Despite the neverending paperwork and missions, The Fourth Hokage had just made enough time to balance his personal life and his Fire Shadow duties. 

It was around this time where Kushina would eventually get pregnant with a boy they'd decided to name Naruto. Hanabi was almost scared when she saw the white-haired Legendary Sannin for the first time. Minato had assured her that he meant no harm and they proceeded with a reunion full of laughs and jokes. 

During this time, Minato had taken it upon himself to train Hanabi till she manages to reach the full extent of her potential. At first, the training had mostly consisted of practicing kunai and shuriken Jutsu. This step was crucial of course since her kunai aim had to be almost perfect if Minato were ever to teach her the Teleportation Technique.

Hanabi stood her ground with so much determination, hellbent on aiming her three kunais at the target. Minato had held his breath tight, crossing his heart, he hoped she'd perfectly aim. He was finally able to unclench his chest once Hanabi had flawlessly aimed at the bullseye. Minato smiled to himself and thought: Hayate, Ichiko, are you seeing this progress?

"Good job Hanabi!", Minato had cheered her, he leaned forward and ruffled her hair.

Kakashi Hatake, who seemed almost beyond repair due to the war's aftermath was sitting on the grass and giving Hanabi more directions. Minato had smiled when he saw how lively Kakashi was while dealing with Hanabi.

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