Chapter 109, Epilogue: Itachi's Token of Gratitude

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Two years later...

I never expected to find myself here after six years. And I most certainly can't believe that I've been here since morning. I just kept searching through the endless files restlessly and impatiently. I tucked away a few strands of my long hair and sank into the chair beside the table.

"Itachi this is literally an endless abyss, how do you expect to find that?", I turn over my shoulder to Shisui with a pouting face as I stared at him.

"I have to", I informed then turned back to the files I have at hand, which lay draped on the surface of the table. I breathed out an exasperated sigh and looked back at Shisui who had his arms crossed over his chest and was leaning against one of the many bookshelves.

His hair had grown out slightly longer, which framed his face perfectly. His face was lit, but he was clearly taking this whole thing as a drag.

"Shisui come on, help me find it", I pleaded, looking at the endless amount of files I have at hand.

"You literally said that the last time you saw that thing was six years ago, who knows if it's even here", he remarked, the tiredness being evident in his voice.

"I'm a hundred and ten percent sure that it is here, I just have to look in the right place", I muttered the last part before continuing my search. 

"It was really kind of Lord Third to let you in the Archive Files, but it's getting tiring", Shisui complained, "you're tiring yourself uselessly, can't you dedicate another day for your search?", Shisui tilts his head to the side and looks at me through his tired eyes.

"No, I'm pretty sure that we won't be able to get in and out of the Archive Files building as we please anymore, this is just one of the many atonements that Hiruzen is giving", I breathed out and massaged my left temple, "I have to use this to my advantage".

"Well do you atleast remember a specific shelf where you spotted it last time?", Shisui inquires, to which I look at him dumbfounded and say, "that was literally six years ago, how do you expect me to remember that?"

My response earned me a scowl from Shisui who was clearly not finding my satirical tone amusing.

"Funny now are we?", he arches a brow unpleasantly, to which I grin.

I return back to my work as Shisui stands tall, observing me from afar. My fingers laced quickly through the files and endless papers.

"I do remember that it was the restricted section of the archives, and I remember that I looked at it for about a good minute, but I was also in a haste, which is why I overlooked it completely", I tell no one in particular.

"Itachi it's getting late", Shisui informed, darting his eyes from the clock on the wall to me once again, "and you can't be late for tonight's occasion", he sternly said, making me sigh.

"I already know that Shisui, tonight is special, I won't miss it I promise", I assure and keep tossing files round and round.

"You have to be there or Sasuke and I will be pissed", he threatens.

"Yeah whatever", I dismiss him off and toss a file in his direction, which catches with ease.

I get up from my seat abruptly and stack the files I checked together, before putting them aside. I went back to that same restricted section six years ago and crinkled my nose in disgust when dust particles smothered me.

"Goodness", I muttered under my breath, "it really has been six years..."

"Itachi come on, we can't miss out on tonight, do you have any idea what this means?", Shisui asks as he treads up behind me.

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