Chapter 65, Inclined To

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A team of the Anbu Black Ops along with Medical Ninjas were dispatched by orders from Lord Third to come to our aid. I'd instructed a flock of crows to lead them to the cave I'd managed to get to the previous night. They complied like always, saving our necks.

On the Medical Team, none other than Hana Inuzuka was dispatched as well. She'd watched Shisui in horror when she first laid eyes on him. No scream eluded her as rushed beside him.

Shisui was still unconscious from the pain, while Kakashi had woken up with a limb body. I swallowed the lump in my throat, my body not knowing what to do.

So I quickly pulled Hana to the side and stared hard at her.

"Hana, don't let any other Medical Ninja inspect Shisui's wounds", I instruct sternly, making her face scrunch with confusion.

"Why?! Itachi what happened on the mission?!", she demanded, her voice trailing off. Her eyes darted to Shisui and Kakashi momentarily. I quickly refrained myself from spitting out the truth and replied, "It's an S-rank mission, what do you expect?".

"Who did this to him?", her voice was elevating, which I gestured for her to lower. There were two more Medical Ninjas who had tagged along on the mission. One was busy tending to Kakashi while the other was going to inspect Shisui.

I almost glared at Hana as I ordered, "You'll be the one who'll tend to Shisui's wounds", I stress on every syllable.


"Hana please", I urge, swallowing a lump in my throat hoping she'd simply trust me on this one. After further inspection of my expression, her eyes soften and she nods.

"Ok", she hesitantly says, searching my murk eyes for a clue.

Involuntarily, I gripped her elbow and stressed, "whatever happens, don't panic...please, and don't tell anyone...".

Her brows furrow, but she nods anyways, her expression suggesting that we'll talk in private later. I give her a nod and gesture for her to go.

She quickly treads over to Shisui and sternly turns to the Ninja Medic, "I'll take care of him, Itachi needs a check up as well", she gestures for him to walk away towards me.

Hana begins to inspect the first aid on Shisui's body done by me with a skeptical face.

Hesitantly, the Ninja Medic nods and skids over to me. The exchange was awkward really, since I only had sore muscles and some back pain from the weight I shouldered all this distance.

Nevertheless, the Ninja Medic managed to proceed with the inspection procedure. He found nothing interesting as expected. All that was wrong with me was sore muscles and back pain, which I could sleep it off.

"You're exhausted", he muttered under his breath as he further inspected my shoulder blades.

"It's a miracle you haven't broken any bones from carrying all that weight and rushing in a hurry for hours", he remarked.

"So I'm good to go?", I asked, hoping the answer would be a simple yes.

"Well technically your body is very much exhausted from all that you've put it through. If you don't want your physical state to decline then I suggest you rest and spend a couple of nights at the hospital".

I don't have the time to spend a couple of nights at the hospital...

"Understood", I solidly reply.

The Medic was inspecting my muscles to make sure there was no strain or tears when his eyes stumbled over my right bicep.

There on my right bicep were the bite marks of last night, where I tried to muffle my shrieks and cries.

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