Chapter 3, The Drained Spirit

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Itachi's P.O.V

I exit the hospital, having left Hanabi with Kakashi senpai and the Ninja Medics. I'm late for dinner again and I know I'll get interrogated by Father when I get home. The Uchiha district was still nowhere in sight and I wasn't trying to make an effort to get back home anyway. Since I know that the moment I cross the threshold, Sasuke will be waiting there with his puppy dog eyes.

"You promised me you'll help me train!", he'll squeal.

"Itachi how was your mission?", father will inquire and go about lecturing me about the clan. I'll have to sit back and fill him in on intel and he'll tell me what to do, then go back the next day to Lord Third's office to repeat each and every word father had said. There, at the Hokage's office, I'll have to endure Danzo's insults at the Uchiha once again, while I remain obedient and silent. I'll make a mental note to go visit Hanabi first thing in the morning. Since I don't particularly know what she thinks, or who she thinks I met up with. Judging from her spirit that I heard of, I know this girl will have questions and one way or another I'll have to provide answers. I couldn't bring myself to tell Madara it was her. I admit I was taken aback by the sight of her.

She could be a threat given the time and place but is there anything I can really do about it? The only thing I agree with Lord Danzo is that someone like Hanabi Namikaze isn't fit for the Anbu Black Ops. Someone like Hanabi Namikaze shouldn't suppress her spirit for the sake of anyone. If anything, it's the spirit of the likes of her that could change clans like the Hyuga and the Uchiha one day.

She's so unlike me, we contrast each other so much and maybe I envy her spirit.

How can someone be so full of life?

I brood again, realizing that Sasuke has the same spirit. Maybe someday Sasuke can change the Uchiha. It's not impossible really, but first born children are always the experiment. So here I am, well aware of the fact that father wants to suppress Sasuke's lively spirit for the sake of the Uchiha and currently there's nothing I can do about it. Sometimes I wish I didn't have such limited options.

I can't but wonder: Which side am I truly on? There's the Uchiha from one corner, the village from the other corner, and Madara Uchiha. I'm a double agent and I couldn't have been even more confused. What if father's way of doing things is wrong? But what if I regret betraying my clan? The dilemma is real and it's slowly eating away my sanity.

How much longer of this do I have to take?

The wisps of wind twirl in the air, manipulating the way strands of my hair dance around under the moonlight. I look up at the full moon and make sure as to mark tonight as a night to be remembered.


The Uchiha district was silent tonight, only the police force was in for late night work. I saluted everyone that waved at me, and thanked anyone who complimented me. One thing that doesn't sit right with me is the way the Uchiha treats Sasuke. They expect him to follow in my footsteps, which I pray day and night that he doesn't. He's too precious to be torn in such a dilemma. But soon in a few years he'll learn of the way that the Uchiha handles things. Which will ultimately result in him suppressing his dreams and spirit.

I arrived home as usual, Sasuke was waiting at the entrance. As I approached him I realized that he'd fallen asleep. I scoop him up which was a little bit of a task since he's gaining weight and height. I smile as I picked him inside and lay him in his room. I covered him with his blanket and headed out, slowly sliding the door shut.

As expected, father was waiting for my arrival. He sits still before me, his presence barely detectable.
"You're finally home", he says, as his eyes take in my appearance. That's when I notice that my ponytail had come undone, leaving the locks of my dark hair cascading on my shoulders.

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