Chapter 103, The Sensory Beast

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I suddenly became more aware of myself. Aware of the Ninja that stands tall beside me. My eyes remain unblinking as I took a moment to blankly stare at him while I brood my problems. I'd been rendered completely unaware of the tear that hung loose from my lower lashes.

Suddenly, the ice barrier that numbed my feelings began to deliberately melt, making my breath go erratic in a moment's notice. It's clearly not the time for this to happen...

My parents were on the move, while my body betrayed me by remaining rooted to it's place. Itachi fended off several of my parent's attack before he returned back to me.

My heart was set out of pulse on spur of the moment when I felt Itachi's giant hand snaking behind my ear and halting there. His thumb quickly brushed away the tear that hung loose from my eyes, sparking my body to move again and generating that ice barrier that protected me from my own thoughts.

"We can do this later", he assured, looking at me with intensity.

"Right", I breathed out an exasperated sigh before regaining back my lost composure. I forced my heart to calm down as I looked back at my parents.

Don't falter, we're already dead...

Once the cold breeze whisked my tears dry, I stood tall again and let my feelings go numb again.

This wasn't going to be easy, I could tell. Obito was observing everything intently as Kabuto stood back with a prideful smile on his face. I sneered at Kabuto in disgust and gritted my teeth together.

Despite the striking sight that brought back memories from four years ago, I'd managed to calm down my pacing heart.

My father regained back his composure despite the punctured whole in his torso. My mother stood back at his side as well.

It seemed like Kabuto was having more fun with this sick trick than he should.

"Is there any particular thing that you know about the reanimation?", Itachi inquires as I let loose a breath.

"Nothing comes to mind...", I breathed out, feeling an unsettling feeling in my stomach as I stare at my two opponents.

"Hanabi, they're on the move"

"No kidding"

I clenched my fists tight and charged ahead at my father again. This time I let my determination take over as I lunge at him rapidly.


I felt myself running out of time. There wasn't much that I could waste anyway.

Any moment, I might simply break or snap. It doesn't scare me if I perish in this battle against the two formidable shinobi who brought a nation down on its knees.

What scares me are my feelings. What'll happen when I fully process this situation again? Just like four years ago when it first happened.

This is exactly what broke me the first time. And that wound has never been stitched back up. Right now, I knew that when this numbness thaws, It'll feel like as if someone had cut deeper into the same wound that I was so desperately trying patch up.

Feeling this numb and hollow, I mercilessly deliver Taijutsu attacks and strike whenever I got the chance. Ninjutsu wasn't an option anymore, he's fast and skilled. He can see my attacks coming a mile away since his sensory skills are far more superior and advanced.

He blocked out and deflected all my Taijutsu attacks effortlessly. If Ninjutsu was ever to work, then I'll have to catch him by emotional surprise like I did the first time.

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