Chapter 20, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 4

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After Three Months...

The military unit under the command of Hayate Namikaze and Fugaku Uchiha had victoriously returned home to the Village Hidden in The Leaves. The battle they won was imperative and had completely changed the flow of the war towards the Hidden Leaf's favor. The war, however, was far from being concluded. Aware of this current situation, the Tsuchikage had issued a truce, requesting that both sides ceasefire.

Having witnessed the cries and mournes of the war orphans, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen sat in his office, writing the very missive that approved of the Tsuchikage's request. At the back of his mind, he wasn't going to disregard the bravery and courage demonstrated by Ichiko Uchiha and Hayate Namikaze. Which is exactly why he immediately sent for his advisor, Shikaku Nara.

The village was mourning its fallen and congratulating survivors who fought in valor at the same time. During the three months of war, Ichiko and Hayate gave it their all to fight and save their comrades. They'd plan strategies in the dead of night as their fellow comrades fell asleep. They'd make sure that their every move was a win in their favor. Deliberately, these exchanges between them evolved.

Their late night strategic planning would eventually turn into deep conversations that lasted till the first few rays of twilight would descend. Their concern for their comrades grew, but so did their concern for each other's wellbeing. Each battle would strengthen them and inspire them to survive just to see each other's smile in case their last few breaths are nearing.

Eventually, the butterflies that they both had for each other brought them together. They've grown fond of each other while living through the endless horrors of war. From holding their comrades till they took in their last breaths to unwillingly leaving their corpses behind. Everything would eventually lead to the spark of their flourishing love. And as they've managed to survive the war, they had also been haunted by the myriad nightmares of everything that went wrong during battle.

However, they knew that as long as they had each other, hand-in-hand, they'd glare danger in the face.

So as the Third Hokage sat tediously in his office, he knew he wouldn't let this aspiration go unnoticed.

"Lord Third", a voice snapped Hiruzen out of his trance, "you summoned me", Shikaku Nara stood before his senior, his smile shining bright.

"Yes, Shikaku I have noticed that two honorable shinobi haven't received the recognition and praise they deserve yet"

"And you're suggesting we hold some sort of honoring ceremony?", Shikaku inquired.

"Indeed we should"

Shikaku crossed his arms over his chest and scoffed, "I'm guessing you're talking about Hayate Namikaze and Ichiko Uchiha".

A smile made its way onto Lord Third's face as he confirmed his advisor's guess.

"These past three months have been critical for the village. It'll be nice if everyone could take their minds off of all this negative energy once in a while".

Shikaku nodded his head then inquired, "What do you want to do?".

Lord Third lowered his head for a moment and answered, "Here, on the rooftop of the Hokage's office, a festival will be held to honor these two. Inform the villagers at once, I also have a special announcement to make".


Hayate didn't have to look around so much to find Ichiko. He knew where she'd be at this time of the day. Which is why he made sure to buy all sorts of flowers and roses from the Yamanaka's flower shop.

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