Fates, Facts ,and Futures

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Zeke looks at the defeated Zivel and the sadness on his face as he sends him and Waxer to the infirmary to be taken care of and then thanks Waxer. Waxer bows and says it is his duty to do so as his follower and then heads to the infirmary.

Zeke looks at the battle field and feels sad at the out come of the fight snd the desperation of how Zivel fought and decides to not have Wust die just yet and then summons Eternina,

Zeke ( Eternina has the church made a foothold in the capital city of Viams country yet?)

Eternina ( Yes they have they even set up a top secret teleport pad for only the saint to use and her guards just in case she wishes to inspect this new power and see if its worthy of the main church.)

Zeke ( God I want you to give an oracle to the saint and have her intervene in the finally fight between the Viam and the bandits as Wust must live. As it is for Zivel so he will not go against my choice again or ever in the future.)

Eternina ( Yes oh Great Father might I add that we tell her to have Viam do as he wishes with Wust or for us to give details for them to mention for Wust.)

Zeke ( Do as you wish with Wust because I know the spirit prince Horcrux seems to be planning something grand, and Wust is part of that plan too. So tread lightly a bit as we will let him do as he likes if int does interfere with the Heroes or second generation at all.)

Eternina ( By you will I shall do so oh Great Father, I would like to add one more thing Oh Great Father.)

Zeke ( Yes what is it Eternina?)

Eternina ( I believe you should not let that prince do as he please for he is shrouded in vile and darkness and I believe he has ill intentions for more then a coin try Oh Great Father.)

Eternina leaves with Zeke confused and concerned by the warning as only two beings could see such things. He decides to get a second opinion on the matter and makes way to Luges office as Fate will play apart in their futures. As he walks in the hallways of the God realm he sees one God he has yet to get to know on a more personal level and approaches the God who is realigning in a side garden with piles of books around her.

Zeke ( What cha reading their?)

Celesti ( Im reading a book on theoretical physics and how they apply to are world on a common level with the incorporation of basic magic. Just common level items mostly tho. I Keep finding so many mistakes with basic spelling and sloppy explanation no wonder most others doubt these theory's.)

Zeke ( Sounds very complicated if you never studied such topics huh? What other books do you have?)

Celesti ( For fun I decided to read the entire of the worlds history from the gods catalog and boys is that thing long it took me a whole month in the god realm to even read the first chapter. I'm still making progress through the second one right now. )

Zeke ( God Catalog what is that??)

Celesti ( Wow really all the gods know of it is the official world time line you can see in the interface gosh are you some type of new guys up here? Most of the workers wouldn't want to speak to gods usually out of deeply held respect for them so what's your deal huh?)

Zeke makes an awkward smile at the reading goddess as she has not peeled her eyes away from her book once since he arrived. He then taps on her shoulder and she turns to look at what. When she looks her eyes goes wide and realizes she has been talking to Zeke like he was some kind of idiot for a moment. Zeke sighs a bit and then smiles at Celesti again and speaks,

Zeke ( For some reason or another a lot of people recently have not been looking at this who speak to them and seem to almost cause greater scenes then need be lol.)

Celesti ( Please for give me for my carelessness oh Great Father I didn't realize it was you speaking to me this whole time I thought you were just another Jury who has questions for me about random subjects. I didnt mean any disrespect at all for my comment calling you a new guy.)

Zeke ( It is kay Celesti this happens often when I get caught up with the world and the others on the surface. But please don't let it happen again, also about the catalog I was joking so ill be on my way okay, also I will mention that wait till you get to Zulu chapter that is one of my favorite times or the trial of Raiva.)

Zeke waves to the confused and flustered goddess and leaves to do what he was originally went out to do and meet his wife. When he arrives at her office and opens the door it is crowded with several Female goddess and jury as they seem to looking at various things. Zeke was a bit confused but the realizes they were all looking through various wedding items and content on designs. He makes his way up to the largest being in the room and she is at her desk and seems to have busy with something and then turns around before he can say anything.

Lige ( Why hello my groom to be I believe you came to me to ask about a certain fate of a prince I believe?)

Zeke ( How did you know.. Oh Wait your the goddess of Fate makes sense you saw this come as its part of some ones fate I believe so?)

Lige ( Correct and all I can say before it happens that just let it be and you will not have to worry at all as you have to trust our sons to handle it. For its their destiny to do so, that's what I got to say on the matter. On a new note I need you to do something.)

Zeke ( Yes what is it?)

Lige ( I need you to pick a best man for our wedding as it its only customary. For our wedding will be grand and all of the dead and divine shall witness. Also I need to remind you of one more thing.)

Zeke ( Um ok?)

Lige ( You have a party coming up in the realm of your senpei Jesus right?)

Zeke makes a blank face and then realizes that awhile ago he did get invited to a party by Jesus and it was soon as Lige has mentioned. Now with two new things on his mind Zeke has to start planning for two new events and seems to just give up and start to make proper plans for them.

Well you died and are now GOD.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz