Mistakes, Names, Updates, and Watching

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He then looks at the two sleeping goddess and then calls out their names to awaken them,

[ Awaken Viota sister to Kulema and awaken Kulema sister to Viota twin goddesses of the never ending cycle.]

Saying that they both open their eyes and stand up looking at Zeke and then kneel to the ground and pledge the same thing said by Infintino and Eternina as they now await ekes commands . Zeke smiles and tells them to stand and then asks them their domains.

[ I am Kulema Goddess of Death]

[ I am Viota Goddess of Life]

Listening to their words Zeke looks at the two confused and then checked his interface to make such that he didn't mis hear their words. When checking I approaches the closest wall and starts to bang his head on it realizing he messed up. He switched the two orbs when he got the notification earlier and gave the two goddesses the wrong powers, with out double checking. he then puts his face in his hands in embarrassment realizing this.

While being ashamed of this mistake the two goddess look worried as their Great father injures himself to what seems like their mistake and they try to apologies profusely, but he realizes that his actions have caused another misunderstanding and he quickly reassures that they are not at fault. Then walks to his throne room and sits down slumping in his throne and thinking how could he mess up this bad. he sits their for a couple of moments and then he hears running from the grand hall and sees a notification pop up saying,

[ the child born between God Infintino and Goddess Eternina has be born]

Reading this he stands up and rushes over to the grand hall and sees Eternina holding a small child in her arms wrapped in her robes. When they meet in the middle Eternina followed by Infintino both kneel and present their child to their great father. Zeke looks at the action and understands what they mean as he embraces the child in his arms and holds the little thing the best he can. He is then told by Eternina,

[ Oh great father please name our first born child our son, and grant him what you believe he is worthy off.]

He looks at the baby and then puts his large finger near the child and the child shows a small smile to him grabbing the large finger the best he can. Zeke then opens his interface and purchases an orb from it, he then looks at the child and hands him the orb and then begins to speak to the two still kneeling gods. Before he can speak he sees the two new goddesses behind them nervously curious at the scene and he waves then to come over and they do, they both kneel like the other two who but stay some what behind them, the Zeke begins to speak again.

[ With great honor I will name this child for what he will bring to us and the world, for what I know he can fulfill and more, for the happiness he will always carry. From this moment forward his name with be Tiamo and he will be the the god of love and trust when he is ready. I bless this child with Kindness and hope in others.]

After Zeke says that he hands the child back with the orb absorbed in him to his mother and then kneels down two them and hugs all three of them saying to be happy and work hard. Seeing this the twin Goddesses look with amazement and hope seeing that the were created by a kind father and are now apart of a family. Zeke calls them over from kneeling and introduces them properly to their older Brother and sister as well as their first nephew.

When the naming over and the twins integrated in Eternina and Infintino show their races they created to their great father and he accepts both with gratitude as they worked hard and sees them to be of great benefit for the systems growth. Eternina presents a race of 5 ft tall beings who have small horns on their heads and resident body structures. she calls the seekers as they seek to increase their battles and power. But seem fun loving and goofy. Infintino then presents his race which are about 4 ft and tall and all have bright pink eyes and dirty blade hair, they are very studious and seem like research junkies and are very whimsical, he calls them Magistars.

Once done reviewing them he thanks them and tells them to keep track of monitoring the world and its development as he forwards time, he then turns to the twins and commands Viota to set up her base of operations in the soul domain which he lets her be uncharge of, he then commands Kulema to go to the world with Infintino and Eternina and when the systems is establish to govern the races and make sure the survive until they can defends themselves from immediate danger.

The twins nod and understand their commands and do as they are told disappearing in their respective manners. He then implants the systems through the interface and once uploaded he pressed play on Dotalas and time starts to pass passing a day in about 24 minutes. He the sees  new notifications on his interface and reads them.

[ Congratulations for setting up your world system you have unlocked Descending and Ascending]

[ Congratulations you have established 6 new races and they are now in they world growing along with it you can now select any of the 6 races you made and create a temporary avatar to transverse in your own world]

[hey I read you achieved the system level of your godhood good job the one above say that you keep giving him a good laugh especially on how you switched the Divine powers of those twins that was a complete rookie move, and boy was it the best seeing you bang your head on that wall for 5 minutes.  he says that since you made it this far he has a present for you in the interface when you want to open it. Oh yeah the Ex cooking soul you got the one above all what's has a mission for you with it, he wants you to make a god of your choosing with it but he wants you to first research proper cooking first and master it before you actually do it. Well that's all we wanted to say to you so good luck and have fun.

p.s. On your task you have as long as you want to make that new god.DIA

After reading the message Zeke makes the same face he's been making remembering that these guys just let him be a god for some laughs. He shakes off the messages and the sees the present DIA mentioned and sighed and opened it. 

{ You have been gifted Simple Cooking System implemented automatically}

Seeing this he makes the face of a very salty man understanding that the one above all wants him to make that cooking god real bad just for the ironic reasons behind it. He sighs and clears the notification away and then watches his world start to develop as he zooms in a a small settlement of Cracters who have settled in a valley near a rich forest and then adjusts the speed to normal and starts to listening closely.

Well you died and are now GOD.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora