Fixing Godhoods and Orders

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Zeke watches Tiamo talk to his crush and is happy to see his grandchild trying to get into a relationship. He then opens a panel in his interface and looks over all his gods and what they are gods off and starts to think about rearranging the godhoods. He noticed that some of them didn't fit with others and tries to think on who needs what. 

After looking over them several times he starts to rearrange the to fitting their original aspects and decide to leave some out for now

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After looking over them several times he starts to rearrange the to fitting their original aspects and decide to leave some out for now. Once done he looks at the list again and is a bit more content with his rearrangement of godhoods.

 Once done he looks at the list again and is a bit more content with his rearrangement of godhoods

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Once done with that Zeke starts to. watch the Heroes again but then he gets a pop up message right in front of his screen. It says open asap and he looks at it and then clicks it once he does he is then a light appears and flies off in front of him and then stops and lands. It then grows to the size of a giant door and on its says Boss. Zeke then senses a power stronger than his own and starts to sweat just after the door appeared All his gods appear in front of him geared up ready for battle. Zeke then realizes what the door is and quickly defuses the situation he tells them that this is his bosses door and only great gods can go into the door. 

They all protest in some way saying they must protect him and that they don't know the intentions of this Boss he spoke of. Then Lige intervenes and says that the one who gave Zeke is power to create them all is the boss he speaks of. With Lige help he manages to calm all them down and then reads the pop up again, It says he has been ordered to come to the bosses room to have a talk about his world. It also says that he can bring one god with him as an escort if need be. He pulls Lige aside and tells her he has been summoned by the one above and is gonna be away for a bit.

She understands and says he can leave things to her in the mean time and go see the one. Then she turns to the gods with Zeke and they say what is going to happen and that they can not dismiss it. Then he looks over the gods quickly on who he should bring with him and tells Waxer to be his escort. Waxer is happy to be chosen and the others look at him a bit angry for not getting to go. He then tells Lige that he wants the world to pause before the heroes meet the first monster general and that if any news about Trono happens he wants Trono to understand emotions and if it has to happen have him summoned by Raiva and taught that.

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