First Quest

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In a field close to a village near the forest were reports of monster population growth has started the village is be attacked more and more and the villagers are scared. The five show up and see a floating blue panel in front of them that says first quest,

[ Save moka village from the invading Gorulres forces and destroy their boss the high Gorulres ]

[ Rewards for this good reputation and money from the gods]

After reading this they all look at each other and then begin to talk and gather their footing to understand each other,

Hanlio ( Well looks like we are in some random field near a village to slay low ranked monsters great.)

Walsia ( I think it's just a starting point, there is no the gods would throw us in to fight some beast that can control unique monsters.)

Royford ( I Agree with the Huntyar they said quest so that means more then just going to slay this so called king.)

Arti ( Hm names... all have... I Arti warrior...what are names.)

Dinaya ( Dinaya i am a Witch.)

Royford ( Names Royford nice to meet you all, I am a Guardian.)

Walsia ( Im Walsia Hunter of the prided Huntyar.)

Hanlio ( Im the honorable Hanlio niece to the grand Marshall of the federation and proud disciple to him as well.)

They all look at each other some more and begin walking to the village they are guided to it. When they arrive they see a village that is covered in beaten earth walls. When they get to the gate the village guards shout at them to know if they are friend or foe, they manage to get into the village and ask the chief about how they got to this state. He then mentioned several weeks ago the raids started at night and pushing the village on the brink of starvation by waging war on all sides of the village. They mention that they don't have the the ability to fight the monsters since they killed the stronger of the guards.

They ask if they ever see the leader of the monsters and he describes a a large humane being with red scars all over it body and pale gray skin. They also carry rusty weapons or have giant blunt weapons and are magical and evil. They eventually make a camp in the village and eat what they were given by the goddess. As they eat Arti hears a noise behind them and turns to see several small children who are skinny and seem starving he then stands up and makes way over to them holding his portion of food and gives it to them. They thank him and starts to eat his food rapidly as he smiles under his scarf and walks back to his seat and grabs but his sword and polishes it.

They others look at the bear and are impressed by his actions and stay they are finished as they give their food to the rest of the children. They then start to talk about how they should deal with the monsters when all of a sudden a bell rings for the tower and a guard is yelling. He says they are here and are attacking the west side, all five of them run to the closest guard and ask to help he looks at the bunch and is bit doubtful.

Then a walk explodes and they turn to it to see a large Gorulres holding a large sword and attacking the closet guard. Then as it seems to be swinging down all of a sudden the monster turns to block an attack the. Royford slams into the monster sending it flying back out of the hole it made and crashing into its own followers. Then as they monsters are confused at what happen several arrows pierce several monster skulls killing them in a moment.

Then as some tryin to escape a wall of magic blocks them from escaping falling to the ground, then several others charge at them for killing their allies. But then one gets a punch to the stomach and is sent flying. The other gets cut inhale buy a sword and falls to the ground, the leader gets back up and looks at the scene of his followers getting slaughtered and then roars and rushes the closest one. It approaches Walsia swinging down once again and she dodges out of the way. Then it tries to slash her again but his swing is blocked by Arti's sword as Arti bares his fangs at the boss.

Well you died and are now GOD.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें