Heavens Tour

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Zeke is now in the elevator with Jesus who is looking at him and smiling. He looks Zeke up and down and then starts to talk,

Jesus ( Its so good to see you in such a state Zeke I remember when you were but a boy now look at you a god.)

Zeke ( Its weird that you know me so personally and I don't really know you.)

Jesus ( Oh sorry I feel like all the souls from my world I know personally. I was so happy that some one from my world became a god under a bit of a weird reason though.)

Zeke (What do you mean?)

Jesus ( Lets just say you are a bit of a celebrity in the office.)

Zeke ( Office?)

Then the doors opens up and they step into a large office that seems alive and hustling and bustling. When he steps out the office stops and stares right at him and then look up and down at their screens and start taking pictures of him. He covers his face from all the flashing and Jesus tells all the workers to stop and go back to work. He then looks at his Jesus and was looking for questions, Jesus then looks at Zeke and makes a awkward smile.

Jesus ( Well like I said you are a celebrity your...um....um... Death was very popular video and you are a icon for the angels and gods to have good laugh.)

Zeke's face makes a upside down U and his eyes became large and are as dinner plates, he then turns as red as mars. He dunks down into a corner and covers his head trying to accept that all of the heavens  saw his death and they laugh at it. After some time he stands up trying not to make any eye contact at all. Jesus looks at Zeke and pats his back saying it's okay and that he is technically higher rank then most of these beings here so he should walk with his head high.

The tour begins and Jesus shows him around a couple of their departments he shows him the greek gods . Zeus is a middle aged man who is balding and has a bit of a belly, He wore glasses and is very tech savvy. He is told about the whole era they ruled and made progress for the world and are now myths who deal with mistakes in the budget and such.

They tour the Norse gods section which is now a bunch of section chiefs who manage the angels in doing their average work. Odin is now the dapper man who is now a real team player and is employee of the month for several years. Jesus also mentioned that the norse gods really calmed down after ragnarok and have been really ok guys.

They then are in the HR department which is actually lead by the Egyptian gods and all seem like old \people who are very tired as along line of gods and angels. The line goes around the corner and they keep calling in person after person none stop with a bunch of yelling being done. Jesus mentions that sexual harassment is not only among the mortals when a sonic boom is heard and Thor goes flying across the room as Athena who is glaring at the knock out god from where the sound came from.

Jesus quickly leads Zeke away flawlessly from the scene that was just caused, he leads Zeke to a giant food court that was more alive than any thing possible. They had every restaurant in the building Jesus mentions that every single one is run by the original creator. He says he gave them a chance make the restaurants in the food court or eternal Damnation. Zeke looks at Jesus and is a bit scared of his actions.

As they enjoy the food from the food court and talk about how the world is going discussing new movies and such things. After they were done they toured around to other sections of the  heavens and then the come to a refined red door that has a golden black on it that reads Hell. Jesus opens the door and they start to ride on an escalator down ward after on the walls around the them are bunch of employee photos of demons who range from scary too tired and lazy looking.

When they reach the bottom Zeke expected to be very hot and un bare able but it was 72 degrees and looked like proper reception room. They meet an nice she devil dress in business attire and started to lead the two to a moving platform the is in a glass tunnel. When they travel down the tube they see the classic hell Zeke expected seeing a bunch of sinners being punished but in a very different way. The sinners were in an assemble line that made very simple brush with 1000 hairs each. They would make the brushes over and over again as the next person would have to deconstruct the brush right after they finished and make the next one that was deconstructed. The cycle would repeat its self over and over again never ending, Zeke looks at the lifeless eyes of the sinners who don't even get to stop.

After the tunnel they arrive in a office that is covered in endless stacks of paper and a very tired looking man at a small desks smoking a cigarette. He looked like a 1950's cop who is on over time, he had brown hair that is starting to gray its self. He is writing nonstop than when the arrive he looks up from his desk and makes a look like what now. Jesus introduces this man as Satan and he is the boss of the sinners. Satan grumbles at him saying he got the short end of the stick and goes back to work ignoring the two.

Jesus goes on to explain the tears of everything and how Satan runs everything down below they then teleport to heaven. They are now in a large white office with a modern look to it and a single desk in the middle and several books on it and computer. Jesus leads him to a chair in front of the desk and Jesus sits down behind the desk. Zeke starts to read the books  on the desk and is surprised by the titles. The art of war, 1984, Hamlet, The Divine Comedy, and little women the last one caught him off guard and Jesus asks him to not mind it too much and then starts to read over a mile with Zeke's name on it.

Well you died and are now GOD.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя