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Back in the God realm Zeke is watching his three sons interact with the their mother and Arti as the boys get to know the hero with out him revealing to them he is one. He also watch as each of his sons start to develop a talent they each have Jirka starts to sing to himself and has a beautiful voice that he is proud of. Viam start to listen to different sounds and instruments he can even hear from over 100 feet away and hear every detail if he wishes. Dusza himself has been able to see very fine details and even the tiny differences in similar almost exact colors. Zeke is happy to see his three sons grow and even though they are triplets they hall seem different from one another.

He then turns his sights to another being he now watches Celesti who is now a beautiful woman interacting and translating foreign ships of trade from the east. She first started doing such job when word from her father the lord about unfamiliar ships were seen off the coast. After several years of seeming to misunderstand the weird beings they managed to establish contact with them with their envoy who talked to Celesti and the two managed to clear establish talks through basic words. Eventually she now speaks fluent in their ways and has helped set up a major trading network for her father making her family the strongest and riches on the continent.

Celesti then was told about the dread who first came to their land and gave them a self made map to them. She listens and then thoughts of a famous wanderer disappeared long ago. She says his name and they people seem to be happy about his name calling him the great wiseman who lead the gods heroes to success against the monster king and his forces. She asks for more info on him but is instead invited to go to their land to see for her self if she wishes. The offer caught her attention but knows the region of her people would shame her for going to the land with out the gods permission. 

She the goes to the Central Temple of her people and meets the high Chief of the sun who was the first to hear their gods words and guide them. While asking for permission to go she is met with aggression and anger saying dreads do not leave their land so says god and was sent away. She tries to reason with them about why and they say not to question the high chief  for he speaks for god. Celesti finds this very one sided and then decides to travel to the other continent anyway for she doubts her religion since its so new. 

As she travels the sea she gets sea sick and even seems sick of the sea its self, to pass the time in on the ship she works as the resident doctor and scribe. She became the favorite of the sailors and workers on the ship, since she is quite knowledgeable and seems to be not afraid to deal with gruesome injuries. She also starts to research sea life caught on the ship and is very interested in studying the realm beyond her home. 

As they sail to the eastern continent they are caught in a large storm causing the waves and wind go wild as the crew try their best to hold the ship together. As she works on crew that have taken damage from being tossed around on the ship or fighting off monsters trying to invade the ship. The storm seem to only get worst as the monsters eventually stop attacking and the damage to the ships seem to increase than in her office a Seeker sailor starts to pray to a god. He asks The god of travel for safe passage back home so he can see his child and spouse and says some more words Celesti could barely understand. She then asks the sailor who he praying too and who is he praying too?

He tells her  he prayed to the god of Travel Tiamo the goes on to explain why he is the god of travel and then mentions he is the god of love and trust as well. She asks the sailor more on the so called gods, he tells her the ranks of the gods and what they govern. She listens to the sailor as the storm seem to calm down with out them noticing and even starts to write it out  finding it fascinating to a degree. She then starts to cross reference them with her old scrolls she brought with her from home. She finds several of them similar to the stories about strangers from their history and seem to be understanding something her people barely discovered.

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