Waxer vs Hexanu

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From Zeke's side comes Waxer in his usual battle attire wielding his iconic gauntlets and walks to the center of the field. He has a determined look on his face as he rethinks what Glacera told them in the waiting room and is resolute to win for Zeke as he will not bear this insult to him. 

From Regalia's side come a man with pure black eyes and a steel plate over his mouth wielding a morning star dragging it across the ground. His height was equal to Waxer but he had no pupils at all. He is called Hexanu and he stops in front of Waxer breathing slow and heavy as he watches Waxer with an intense aura. 

Athena tosses the coin and Waxer calls it and the field turns into one of a quarry as the match starts and both gods stare at each other seeming to wait for something. Then as a wind blows by both in an instant the two were now clashed in the center as arms and weapons swing around seeming impossible to follow as their battle begins. All the other gods watching the match are lock on as these two are clearly seasoned warriors and many War gods go silent as the watch. Seeming mesmerized by their actions.

Waxer and Hexanu meet blow for blow perfectly as they will not give in so easily to the other as if they seem to get an opening the other covers it in a moment. In Zeke's side in the waiting room Doa was watching the scene of Waxer fighting with a serious face not showing his iconic smile seeming to not have anything else but this fight on his mind as just as much as he loves to torment and fight against Waxer, Doa wants Waxer to win for he should be the only one to defeat his rival. 

 The fight goes on as it seems to get more intense as Waxer slowly puts more and more power into his punches and kicks. As Hexanu seems to as well the two seemed in a trance as they both start to land blows on each other. Waxer receives one to the stomach and goes across the floor but recovers and breaks through Hexanus guard and delivers a heavy blow to the gods jaw sending him flying back as he recovers from the blow as well.

Waxer closes in on him again a delivers a fury of blows to Hexanu's bodies as he can only try to block some of them. Waxer gets the upper hand a delivers several heavy kicks to Hexanu's side as the god takes the blows causing Hexanu massive damage as his metal mouth cover twists in a painful way. Then Waxer spins around and delivers several ax kicks to Hexanu cracking the ground. Then as Waxer backs away he then heels a heavy punch to his stomach and slams into a wall as he feels the breath leave his body and quickly dodges another attack to his body as Hexanu shatters the wall behind Waxer.

Waxer then gets into a boxers pose and then delivers a flurry of blows into the abs of Hexanu as the flurry lands every single one. Zeke watching the fight observers as Waxer seems to be in a very serious mode. He has only seen Waxer like this when he fights Doa but he seems cornered and is going into Boxing mode. The other gods around Zeke are all serious watching as one of their strongest allies is being cornered. Kayana looks at the fight with a very fiery aura around her as she watches her oldest friend start to take a beating and makes her remember all the years they spent together. 

Kayana thinks of her first time meeting Waxer as he was the second of the ascended gods to join them. They spent a lot of time together as he would ask her to create many versions of gauntlets and weapons to use as he wanted to master them all. She then stands up and then shouts with watery eyes at the battle field,


Waer hears this and then smirks lightly as he knows that voice all too well and then seems to change in his body as his arms seem to get bigger. He catches Hexanu's weapon and rips it in half tossing it aside and then getting into a power match. Hexanu's large frame is getting pushed back bye the empowered Waxer. As Waxer throws the god away into a different wall causing his mouth guard to break in half as he gets back up but then gets uppercut in the chin. 

As it seems to be the end of the match as when Hexanu seems to be motionless but then a death breaking sound comes from Hexanu's mouth. Hearing this Waxer then feels a sudden pain in his very being as he seems to stumble and grab his head as he tries to keep standing. But then watches as Hexanu stands up from his spot and walks dragonfly over to Waxer. As the sound keeps coming from his mouth and is intensifying as he gets closer. 

Waxer then falls to his hands and knees as he keeps trying to stand in this  unknown pressure as blood comes out of his eyes. He then looks into Hexanu's eyes as it seems to hold nothing but respect for Waxer, as Hexanu lifts up is arm and drives a strong punch into Waxers face slamming his head into the ground. Waxer feels a massive amount of pain as he try to get up to fight back but then feels Hexanu get atop of him and delivers a series of blows into his face.

The crowd of gods roar in excitement as the watch Waxer get a beating seeming to understand what has happened. But on Zeke's side All his gods and him are enraged as they watch Waxer get a one sided beating. Kayana seeming to be crying in rage as Waxer seems to be unable to do a thing at all. Zeke too feels a sense of anger seeing Waxer in such a state as Waxer is not one to just take it. After a minute of the beating Hexanu stands up fist covered in blood as he then starts to make way over to the exit as he believes it is over.

But then he feels a strong sense of dread behind him and tries to dodge out of the way but then a fist rips through his side causing him massive pain as he falls to his knees and turns around to see Waxer standing their with his fist out  bleeding from head to toe eyes locked on Hexanu as if their was nothing else around. But As Hexanu feels a sense of fear and anxiety as he closes his eyes and tries to block any other attack but he never feels it as he opens one eye to see Waxer fall face first into the ground knocked out. 

The entire stadium goes silent as they watched Waxer fall face first and lose the match, causing the crowd to erupt into many different reactions. Zeke turns to look at his opponent in this War and sees a condensing look From Regalia. Causing him to feel enraged as medics carry Waxer off to his side and listens to Athenas announcement of Regalia victory. As the field fixes it self and Athena announce the third round, in the waiting room Barluna and Sequoia getting ready for their matches but avoid the corner as a Dark black Aura fills it and a pair of blood shot eyes stare into the screen awaiting their match.

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