Partnership and Pay Outs

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Back in Jesus Casino Zeke is watching a heavy boxing match between Kiviku and Hercules as the fire god is being slowly pushed back as he seems a battered and bruised from his fight. Hercules on the other hand seemed to have a few lumps as he underestimated the god infant of him. 

Eventually Kiviku manages to catch Hercules off guard a bit an knocks him a bit away to make space for himself and regain his footing. As he catches his breath and thinks of what to do, Hercules on the other hand relaxes a bit and smirks at Kiviku who is just little enraged from the mocking smile. 

Zeke and the others watch as Kiviku gets man handled and pushed back and see that he is starting to get angry for real as he hasn't been this mad since he was a mortal. Then as they watch another one walks up to their table holding a basket of food and sits down. It was none other then Glacera and with him was a beautiful woman with the color scheme of a Tiger including legs of a Tiger and long wild hair. 

Glacera ( Hm. Not. Worry. Brother. Will. Prevail. As. The Mountain does not bow to the wind. Also. Introduce. New Wife. Ti . From other world.)

Every one turns at his words about Kiviku but what makes them take a second take was him saying he has a wife now. Even Zeke was confused as one of his gods has said he was now married and with this unknown goddess from some random world he has never even thought of. He looks to the Piber eating his pile of food and starts to speak,

Zeke ( What the hell do you mean you have a Wife and how did this come to be?)

Glacera ( Hm. play game. won. she submit. )

Zeke ( What game did you play and what world is she form?!?!)

Glacera ( Hm. Scrabble . Junglila. Hm. Wife please. Explain.)

Ti ( Yes my darling, ahem hello their Newbie my name is Ti and I am the Great Goddess of World #578493. But its name is Junglila, what happened was that I was the recent champion of the Scrabble game in the casino but lost to this God by an overwhelming amount. As for his victory he choose his prize which was my hand. Which was very bold but I accepted as it seems fun plus he is full of secrets isn't he haha. By the way in earth terms I am your sense but since I'm marring one of your gods lets Make a Partnership!?!?!)

Zeke ( Partnership? What do you mean by that?)

Ti ( Oh yay your a Newbie I forgot to explain, basically it means that Both Worlds Gods make a pack in case one goes to war with another god. Also we share info on our worlds and even allow cross God transfers without any interference and cost. Also it will allow me to visit my darling and him me. Also we could allow select mortals to go to each others world.)

Zeke ( So it has benefits but what's the down side to it?)

Ti ( Their isn't one you can leave at anytime for any reason but some godss are very petty so they will start a war right after to cause damage.)

Zeke ( So will you cause a War with me if I don't agree?)

Ti ( Do I have crazy written on my face no way would I want to have a problem with you .)

Zeke ( Do you care to explain?)

Ti ( Oh you didn't know? Your from world #1000 AKA Earth you are protected by Jesus and his allies. Even if anyone wanted to attack you now they will be attacked by Jesus and his gods which is not something anyone wants. )

Zeke thinks to himself and agrees he has been treated well by Jesus and the two others and realized that no one really messes with him. So that's make a lot of sense and decides to thank Jesus later for it and show his gratitude as it really means a lot.

Zeke ( Fine ill partner with you and let this happen so lets be friends oh Great Goddess Ti.)

the two gods but out their hands and shake as they did a large light flashes quickly and seems to be sparking constantly. Zeke and Ti look at that will breathless faces as the other gods around them watch it happen and seem amazed by the intensity. When it happened they hear several a small girl in a Bonet speak,

??? ( To think that a perfect partnership would happen right in front of us all , to think he has found someone who complements his world perfectly. )

When the light stopped the girl in the Bonet was gone and the two gods were speechless at what just happen and then nodded and said a few things before they sat back down and calm down. A shout comes from the big monitor and streaming on it was none other then Kiviku who seems to be flaring in cracks as fire arises from them. 

Hercules look at the scene unfazed and looks to his hands as they are a bit scorched after touching him. Hercules now looks bit complicated as Kivikus glasses fall off his face showing his magma eyes and them staring Hercules down. Seeing this Hercules senses a change in his opponent as if he's now showing his real strength and smiles as that means he to can rev it up a notch. 

Just as Hercules closes in on Kiviku, he catches the punch as it seems his hand grows larger. Hercules try to pull away but can't as he feel as if he stuck his hand into a volcanos core he then sees the rookie grow almost 5 times his original size and now understands he's angered the wrong guy. As he blocks a shot to his side from the large molten hand, as he goes flying and barely catches himself. But then above him is Kiviku already coming down with his hand to smash the god into the ground shattering the ground as Hercules escape underneath him. But is then grabbed by a tail and knocked to the edge of the field and falling out of it losing the match. 

All the gods watch the results as many make faces of wtf as they see Kiviku's picture and the word winner and then look at the betting percentage as one man screams out he is broke while another is laughing historically as he seem to have one too. Kiviku roars into the sky of the field as he seem to have coming out of his anger after knocking his opens off the edge. 

Zeke too is looking at the scene and realize something as he turns to Aruno who is cracking a giant smile as she goes to the betting place to collect and realizes they bet 8M on Kiviku and won. Zeke falls to the table foaming at the mouth and seems shocked will Kayana and Tiamo try to wake him up by shaking him vigorously. When he returns from the moment of darkness Aruno has returned and hands him a piece of paper with a number on it with 6,216,000,000 Billion PP as is even more shocked by said number fainting again.

While every one else was laughing at the scene the small girl in the Bonet floats on a cloud above him looking at him with a smile.

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