Curses and Churches

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Kulema looks down at the queen of the country and is even coming closer as the dark fo engulfs the room.

Kulema (  You have no right to say such things and this joke of a trial has proven that you belittle the gods and their ways. You have no right to try this soul who has saved your cit from disaster, and you have even ignored our warnings directly from the mother of time her self.)

Queen ( I..i.. was jus)


Then Kulema raises her Scythe into the air and then slams it onto the ground causing large amount of cracks to appear and more fog steams out of the floor. As they watch the scene the saint and Zola are engulfed in a purple mist and disappear. Then from the cracks long fleshy tentacles emerge and start to make way to the queen and the nobles. Then stop right in front of the fear filled idiots as the tentacles move about in a slimy way and Kulema speaks again.

Kulema (  Your punishment for your selfish acts and malicious methods will cost you this very land which you govern. Your crops will not be able to grow or cattle to breed no water to drink and no lumber to build for your greedy actions. Your people will only suffer on this land for as long as they stay on it and as long as your blood line rules or any from it try to claim so you will never be able to use this land ever again. Your line will forever be cursed unless they realize the error of your ways and truly believe so, let your eyes be black as coal and skin full of scars.)

After her commands the tentacles crash into the ground and they start to go deeper and deeper into the ground and the color of the building starts to fade and they sky out side starts to become cloudy and nasty. Then the ground becomes lifeless gray all over from the center of the city to the far outer edges and every plant starts to wither and die. Birds fly off fast as monsters start beast run away from the forest as it withers. The church and its officials are shouting in the streets what is happening sand informing everyone to escape to other towns and cities as the land will be cursed forever. Shouts and commotion happens in the streets and every one seems to be worried are in panic but the church officials are keeping the crowds under control and saying the church will lead them to a new life.

Then Kulema retracts the tentacles and then looks to the queen as she is now on the floor rolling in pain and screaming bloody murder as her appearance changes. Kulema then looks at the fools and scoffs once and then fades into the black fog as it seems to be sucked up into nothing. The scene then plays out as royal healers and medics are trying to healer her but they do not work are even help. The town starts to evacuate as the queen is rushed to be treated and in the royal capital all her heirs and family fall to the same pain and even start to change drastically.

Zola is now in a large domed room in another city while the saint is looking into Zola eyes and then nods as they turn away and clap their hands and the dome is filled in light. All around them are statues made of many different materials in the shape of all the gods, then in the center is two large statues of the great gods. Zola then sees several bishops standing near the saint and making sure they are ok and they explain several things to the saint. Then the saint motions for him t0 follow them out of the room, he is then lead to the entrance of the churches HQ and the central doors open and he sees a town that has many house's that seem clean and beautiful.

Zola is then told by the saint to go where he chooses to go and that if any one dare to take that freedom away from him again to show them this. He is then handed a medal and is told that this is a seal of the church and no one in the church or countries will try anything knowing that he is protected. He thinks them and then starts to make his way out of the city getting some supplies while he can so he can travel in comfort.

Zola thinks to himself about what happened in the situation with that queen and believes her punishment was enough. He gets stared at by the citizens but then they all try to talk to him and even seem to bow to him as he is a bit confused and asks them to stop. They then an older Cracter woman says that most who are raised in this city are taught how to since Divine blessings and even respect the blessed ones as a noble being worthy of being bowed too. She goes on to explain that now they know he will probably given free stuff just out of respect for your blessing.

As he tries to leave the city he is then handed a bunch of food and items that he knows is too much and just butts them away in his item bag he just bought. Once out of the city he starts to read a map that will lead him to the city of justice and to fulfill the promise to Helgon. 

Back in the God realm Trono is now in the council room chained and in the center as he comes to and is looking around violently. He then sees a bunch of large floating chairs and tries to move but the chains do not budge. He tries to use his magic but nothing comes out of his hands and he can not sense anything. Then he hears a large ringing noise and falls to the ground and then looks up to see large beings now sitting in those chairs. In the second larges chair is a large woman and her sitting gracefully looking at him with no reaction he then hears,

Helgon ( We will now hold the Trial of Trono and to pass judgement for his rampage, the plan to destroy and level a whole city and even attacking the great one on his journey to spread the faith of the gods.)

Trono looks at the large man saying that and then understands that he can not escape such an event even if he fought with all his might.

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