Zola and the Heroes

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Arti and the heroes finish up the monsters outside the city and then turn to the figure that came from the horizon and help them slaughter the monster. Walsia holds her cross bow at the being and starts to speak,

Walsia ( What are you and what is your goal in helping us.)

Zola ( My name is Zola and I am a wanderer I have been sent on a journey to this city by a request. I saw your group was in trouble and decided it was the fasts way to the city if I help you guys out.)

Flina ( That doesn't explain anything but your name what are you.)

Zola ( Im from a group of people called a Dreads and we come from the lands of sand its a large continent west of this ones coast line. I came from their to see new things and try new experiences and that has lead me to this here now.)

Hanlio ( How do we know you are not just a smart monster that wants to infiltrate the city?)

Zola then sighs and reaches into his pockets and then pulls out the medal from the saint and tosses to over to the closest one of them. Arti catches the medal and then looks at it and his is a bit confused until Hanlio and Dinaya looks at it as well and their eyes go wide. They then pull out their own medals that are smaller then the one tossed to them and say that it is a real and a higher rank then there. He passes the medal back to Zola and says,

Arti ( Who gave you this?)

Zola ( It's from the saint, they handed it to me themselves.)

Dinaya ( It's hard to forge a medal like that and even harder to claim it to be real next to a medal from a cardinal too. I think it's real and that he is speaking the truth to us and we can at least say he's no foe for now. )

Zola ( Thank you for the info and I'm going to be on my way for now.)

Hanlio ( What is your purpose of coming to this city you said that you are on a request who sent you?)

Zola ( that's on a need to know bases young lady I am just an old man who has to keep at it.)

Royford was about to step forward but is stopped by Arti nodding his head not to get involved. Knowing that he is telling the truth and even protected by the church which the gods back themselves. Dinaya activates her magic sense and looks at him and sees that he has three types of power on him and she knows one is his the second one is different. She then realizes that its similar to their divine blessing but seem to be very different the last one is one she felt before but can't put her finger on it.

They watch as he enters the city and then Hanlio mentions that he has a lingering magic on him that she knows is from an enemy she has met before. Once in the city Zola makes his way to the church and shows the bishop in charge and shows the medal to them and is welcomed with open arms be given a room to stay in for the time being. Once situation he starts to go over a journal he found from the one Helgon lead him to find the corpse of. He reads that one of the generals of the monster king is undercover in the city of justice and is a high ranking official that no one would question. His only clues are that they can control a small force of special soldiers and they are undetected.

He knows he will have to lead the heroes in the direction of the monster as well since he might need some power to handle this many. Hwe then its and meditates and uses one of his godly abilities to get a birds eye view of the city to watch where the heroes go. The heroes  are now in a room together and are talking about Zola and trying to think of his quest he is on and what he really is. Thereus mentions that he sensed something familiar on the man, and even they get familiar feeling from the man. Even Walsia says he smells of blood which means that he has killed before and even knows how to take life.

Dinaya also mentions that she sensed it too on him to a mana that they have sensed before and that he seemed to have been smothered in it. Then Flina turns to the group of them and says that he feels similar to Trono and his lighting magic, hearing that they all go silent and look at each other. Then Royford speaks,

Royford ( What do you mean by Trono's magic?)

Flina ( When he walked by us after getting his medal back I sensed trine's magic on him or would I say his mana.)

Arti ( Last time we heard anything about Trono was several months ago and how he started to go mad. But I have not heard any new news about him at all.)

Hanlio ( I thought he was heading to the east coast to find a powerful monster he said he sensed. Thats the last of what I heard of him any other news would have been heard if he played it or not. )

Arti ( Do you think that this Zola is really a monster and killed Trono?)

Dinaya ( You would have to be at least be as strong as one of us to be able to at least scratch him let alone kill him.  If this guy is really what he seems then we should watch him closely and be aware of his every where about.)

Walsia (  But even if we want to do a thing about him he would have to stay from under the radar of the church if he really is under their protection.)

Royford ( But why would the church protect this so called monster from us and even given him a higher rank of medal then we have. We have the protection of several different gods, even we have yet to meet the saint at all. So why what is the reason for all of this?)

Flina ( What ever he is we need to be on our toes and know he might be just as or even more powerful than all of us. )

Thereus ( But still makes no since why he would show up to the city of judgement why would a being that supposedly killed Trono be protected by the church. He even is on a request to do something.)

Arti ( We have to watch and see for now.)

The next day Zola is in disguise  in his hood and mask going around the city buying several things in the city why listening to many conversations. He listens to many of the talks to see if any one can lead him to any clues he can find. He then notices some one following him and makes a small smile under his mask as he heads inside a restaurant and sits down several minutes later a being joins him and when he takes off his mask he sees a female Magistar smiling at him and reveals a symbol.

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