Passing and Sparks

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Zeke and Tiamo watch as the the two beings bicker and argue as they try to climb a mountain and kill monsters. The two seem to be act each others necks wanting to rip them out , but it all changes when night time comes around and they are resting in a cave. The two start to talk about once in the cave and they seem to have eaten one of the monsters they slain. Solusa seems some what tired and seems to be fulling asleep, but try to stay awake to keep watch on the woman. 

She looks at him and says she won't attack him even if he is sleeping, saying that she has honor to only fight those how are aggressive and evil. Then mentions that only cowards attack a sleeping person. He looks at her and then seems to knock out in a moment after thinking as he rests. Barluna looks at the sleeping man and his hands seeing that they are raw and injured proving he's been trying his hardest killing the monsters the best he can while she throws rocks at them or punches their open spots.

She looks at his bag a sees a book with similar markings as his skin, She grabs the book and feels some type of power run through her hands and she feels it build a bit. When she opens the book all she sees is weird riding and drawings, she then toys to around with the the drawing in the first part of the books trying to gain that power she felt into her hand like it was a weapon. Then a small spark forms in her hand and she is scared and jumps a little shaking the man but he does not wake up.

She then remembers the flames he talked about and dodged , she then believes this is the mana he used to make fight with and was interested in it. As the night passes she experimented with the magic to the best of her ability and when she felt tired from doing so the man wakes up and she manages to put everything back. He asks if anything had happen and she says no, he then looks at the tired woman and can sense her mana is low and wonders why. Then she tries to get up and get going but he stays sitting remembering she let him sleep so he will do it right by his teachings. 

He pulls her down and sees that she is exhausted and older to sleep, she says she doesn't need too just incase of attacks. But he says that he will protect her because only cowards attack the sleeping. She looks at him then sits down again and then falls asleep as Solusa watches the surroundings and had the spear ready to attack any thing he had.

He looks at the woman and sees she has mana exhausting wonder why and then took out his book and senses foreign mana in the book. He can see that it was her mana and was interested to see how far she got. He sees that she only reach chapter one but has almost got the first stage perfected besides for some clumsy parts. He then looks to the spear she made and examines it. He then lifts it and feels that it was balanced and sturdy, he can feel it as almost as he can with his staff, he then gets a crazy thought.

He puts mana into the spear and it starts to express a red light that caught his eye as it seems the spear has a fire like attribute on it. Then he starts to do other attributes he can and seems more interested in what it can be applied too.  

Zeke watches as the two and sees that they slowly work together and they improve over the course of a month they progress and learn many things similar to each other. They both improve with each other respective areas. When they learn of each others names they seem to be friendlier and more open around them. But they tend to bicker and fight over the littlest amount of drama especially one how to kill monsters.

Tiamo who watches this is smiling ear to ear watching the progress they made following his words and seem they will reach the peak soon and he then can reward them. Zeke looks at the child god and smiles that he is having fun being.

Back on the surface the two are now resting and they will reach the cave they assume is the right one. They have been journeying for a month because of the monsters infested on the mountain. They make dinner and then they start to have a deep conversation about what they will do after freed. Solusa tells her that he is on a journey to discover a new type of magic that he will show his mother and that she will make him the true heir and gain his families respect.

Barluna see then tells him that she was banished from her temple for disrespecting the elders and they threw her out. She wanted to go back and show those old jerks how  much stronger she will be doing her own way. The two seem to realize that they both are misfits and outcast to their homes, they both laugh and regale their funny stories to each other.

Then they get closer and kiss, it quickly turns into more. Zeke cover Tiamo's eyes and then fast forwards time bait after they finish. Tiamo pouts at him but he blows it off and then instructs Tiamo to go down and do what comes natural to him. The night goes by on the surface and they make their way deep into a cave keeping their guards up, they then notice a figure sitting in a throne like chair made of thin covered in moss and vines.

They see the boy that took their weapons and gave them the trial they must take to be freed from this binding. When they reach a certain distance they stop and see the weapons leaning on the throne and then the boy starts to speak to them,

??? ( So have you to naughty kids learn your lesson?)

Barluna ( We have traveled over a month bound together, we have fought beast and monsters of many kinds I believe we have.)

Solusa ( Not only that but we also worked together to do that if not for Barluna I would have been killed by the owled beast.)

??? ( So do you know why I sent you on the trial of Tiamo?)

The two look at each other and wonder the Childs reason behind this and then nod and looked at him and Solusa speaks,

Solusa ( Its to not assume every one is an enemy and to have mutual trust with level of caution at the same time.)

??? ( The another question do you know who I am?)

Barluna ( You are Tiamo)

The child smiles at the two he then gets laughs and relaxes then he regained his composure and speaks once more,

Tiamo ( you are correct I am Tiamo God of Love and trust, Son to both Infintino and Eternina who I think both of you know, I am also grandson to the Great father. You two have passed my trial with great marks and with that you shall be rewarded each but first.)

He spins his index finger and the chains on their wrists fall to the ground and dissolve into petals he then summons the staff he had earlier and then sends it in their direction. 

Tiamo ( Your reward for this trial is this it is a two in one weapon created by gods. It splits into two half one to cast magic while the other a spear, this is called Sunrise and Moonfall. They are to be used by those worthy of them, separate they are powerful but together they are unrivaled. they can be used for both offense and defense but how that is for you to discover.)

They both look at the weapons and both grab it at the same time and feel a surge of power that seems very different to mana. The weapon splits and they both start to inspect their own side then they look at Tiamo who keeps his smile and Barluna asks,

Barluna ( what can we do too repay this gift oh God?)

Tiamo ( All you have to do is spear the word of the true gods and follow ewhat they guide you to lead those you wish to success. But never forsake them for just as generous they are they are all so Cruel and will punish those who deserve it.)

Tiamo then becomes petal s is blown away into the caves darkness and the two watch this and understand what he said and vow to each other to keep on the right track under the god Tiamo. Zeke watches this and greets the returning Tiamo and pats his head on the great job leading those two down the right path and avoiding a war of the races.

Well you died and are now GOD.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora