Congratulations you Died!!

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A man wakes up in a pure black room that seems endless he looks around he then starts to freak out and becomes restless, then as he tries to figure out his location a screen pops up right infant of him.

[ Congratulations you Died!!]

look at the screen and read it he then starts to recall his last thoughts as his mind fazes to them.

The man was sitting in his on a couch in an apartment, his name is Zeke Daniels and he is on his day off enjoying a burrito he bought from a local Spanish spot close to his house. He sighs loudly reading his phone about current affairs and believes it all to be crap putting his phone on the table close by. He then takes a bit from the burrito again and turns on the tv to an adult channel as he unbuckles his pants letting them hit the floor. As he does so he hears rapid knocking on his door scaring him, he bites the burrito holding it in his mouth as he quickly tries to pull up his pants and answer the door. Just as he is about to he slips on a magazine on the floor and falls hitting his head on the table and sucking in the burrito that is now lodged in his windpipe as he falls knocked out to the floor. He died the next minute from suffocation, Remembering that he grabs his head and kneels in embarrassment.

Then he hears a ding and a new screen appeared in front of his face again.

[ Because your death was hilarious and unique the one above all has given you a second chance at life, he will allow you to become a god and create a world of your choosing and govern it how you choose.]

After reading that he stands back up with a face of disappointment thinking that someone got a good laugh at his death and even more rewarded him for it. He then looks at the screen again under the last message is a button that says [ Go to your realm] he looks at it and presses it his vision is then pulled away quickly and the color around him changes from black to a gradient white.  He is now in a white room that is 25 by 25 all around. Then a large screen appears and it seems like a game interface, it has different sections Such as World info, Options, Sub-Gods, Prayers, Races, a video player interface, and Creation& Destruction. He then sees in the top right corner has a PP icon with  500 PP in it already.

He then gets another message,

[ You have all the time you want to create your world and do as you wish with it, just so you know your world will be evaluated now and then. You will also be able to earn more PP(Prayer Points) by following certain requirements. if you have questions you may ask me through the interface, I am a divine  A. I  called DIA. The interface also has built-in tutorials which reward you as well by following along. Remember to have fun and really think about what you really want to do. -DIA]

Finishing the message he then looks over the interface again and starts to fiddle around with it and do the tutorials that DIA mentioned. 

After He finishes all the tutorials in the interface he seems somewhat collected and less confused, he then summons the interface and then starts to make a world of his choosing. the world is as clay in his hands as he molds the globe making seas and continents, lakes, rivers, hills, mountains, and so on. After he seems finished he made 5 contents which are all different sizes, the oceans are massive and deep, while the mountains he made only one is very large and unmatched. He then submits it to the interface which absorbs it and shows it on a screen on the wall that seems like a medium-sized movie theater screen, as he watches the world revolve on the screen. As he zooms into the world on the location of his choice examining the surface and is a bit proud.

He then gets a notification for setting up his first world and waves it away he then turns to another section of the interface and Presses Creation and then sees the section of his choice Sub Gods Bases.

Well you died and are now GOD.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن