Empires on the Rise

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Back on Zeke's world the some of the gods come together and look at the scene of a large scale battle take place in a run down town as soldiers and bandits seem to battling it out passionately. Then towards the center was a large open clearing in the field two beings stand looking at each other and One was a female dreads in a large coat over her shoulders and holding a cutlass smiling. While opposite to her is a man in fine robes and armor holding a finally crafted staff and looking at her with calmness and certainty.

The two have been fighting for a good part of a decade over who is in charge and ruling power. just at first made a deal with a spirit and gained more power to strong arm many other groups of bandits under her control. Over time she lead them to conquer many towns and villages easily. creating a large area she ruled over. But after several years of such acts. She eventually met her match a man who seemed to be a half breed one day came to this land and started to settle with a large group of settlers from other lands. 

Wust sent her delegation to go and collect and have them swear loyalty to her or be crushed. But several days latter they came back beaten a bruised as they explained he beat them up when they tried violence. Angered that she was insulted and belittled she sent a platoon of raiders to destroy the camp and bring back the leaders head for her.  As she waited for them to return with their spoils no one came after several days so she and several raiders group went to see and what they found made then scowl in anger. 

She saw a battle field with many corpses of her raiders and their banners ripped and destroyed as they seem to have been slaughtered. She looks at the battle field and saw large burn marks and even bodies that seem like they were trying to escape. Enraged Wust took that as an act of war and that started what's to be called the Slaughter of the raiders the battle that began the war. 

Wust would then try to gain as much info on her enemy as she can learning he was a half breed and a magic user at that. She leaned he made her land his own and even started to attack several of her camps and bases. She wasn't going to take this laying down calling for several counters and attacks her self but none of which was able to compare to the intelligence of Viam's strategies. Seeming to out smart her at every turn taking over base after base easily killing bandits and saving her slaves from them. 

Eventually things turned in her favor as she gained an informant from inside his camp who would give her details on raids and such cutting off supplies from her enemies.  She was so happy finally getting one up on Viam she gloated and taunted the leader as to demean his troops. But this did not work as after several months the informant stop abruptly confusing them and putting them back in the dark.  

Eventually she was sleeping and then was awoken by a large scale raid that was happening at their last stronghold which she was in. She dressed and was out rallying her troops as they now face what seems to be the climax of the war and she will not loses in her heart as she looks at the battle field and the opposing army which was giant and in the center she saw him for the first time. A man with a look in his eye that was unrivaled by any as she seems to stare directly at her and not waver his sight making her glare back ass destiny has brought this day onto them. 

Back on the battle field Viam looks directly at Wust and know this is the day she mets her end and that this will also be the day they destroy any possible defiance to establishing his empire. Viam remembers his part in all of this as he thinks back to receiving the threat and ignoring it but does not regret his decision. Knowing that they would destroy this very threat that has been trying to destroy their goal and finally be able to live in peace. Viam reads his staff and points it at Wust who in tow reads her cutlass. Both surging magic through their weapons and then rush each other clashing the two weapons with power. 

Above in the god realm Lige and Eternina watch as on a different Interface shows Zivel locked up in a cell until this war was over. Lige looks down and knows once the killing blow is about to land switch Wust out and bring her to the floating continent to become a servant of the gods. For Zeke has said so and they will keep that word.  But what was interesting Lige the most was not the battle between mortals but the battle between the spirits. 

As she turns to see a skull masks spirit in a straw boater and a colorful one in golden robes trading blows bait away from the battle field. It was Mint vs Horcurx as it seems Mint has purposely intervene on Horcrux who was planning to slaughter Viam and let Wust win. But Mint knew of his presences and is now in battle against his follow prince. Horcrux seems agitated as his plans seemed to be messed up and is being pushed back by Mint who shouts at Horcrux on his foolishness and evil deeds which would always end in failure no matter his plan. Horcrux decides to escape and abandon his plan for now as he sees a sinking boat.

Lige looks on as Horcrux escapes from view but decides to keep tabs on him so that fate could properly do its job. She the turns her view back to the site of Wust now on the ground bleeding as half her face has been burned off and full of cuts. While Viam has a few cuts but seems to be the victor of their battle as he takes his staff for the killing blow. Which switches out er Body for a false one. Viam watches as he is glared at one last time by Wust who stays silent and dies from their battle. The soldiers and bandits who watch such a final battle all stopped to do so. Which caused the bandits to surrender and the soldiers to cheer as now the war was over and Viam now conquered the northern half of the Western Continent.

This would mark the end of the early days of the empire while it was to grow in such a great manner most would never believe. But Viam thinks in his mind as he felt he hadn't killed Wust but a fake but shoves it to the back to raise moral and celebrate with his soldiers. As he does so back in the Casino Zeke and his Gods are congratulating Kiviku who has calmed down and fixed up seeming embarrassed by his actions. They then are approached by the girl in a Bonet and a large man who seems to be half fish.

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