More Gods and GodBook

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Zeke sits on his throne now holding two orbs in his hands One for the sun and the other for the moon. He waits until Tiamo brings him the souls of Barluna and Solusa so he can make them gods for their actions and growth. Zeke is excited to finally speak to the two and hear how they feel about being lesser gods and coming back together. He also plans on making them the direct subordinates to Infintino and Eternina so they can keep hanging them better. Zeke then sees a small figure walking towards him but it wasn't Tiamo but Kayana and she is carrying a large item wrapped in a cloth. Zeke then remembers his request of her and is now excited by the item he has requested.

Kayana comes fourth and presents her work to him and it floats over to his hands and he unwraps it. In his hands is a large shield it was gold with gray details and a large bear head is carved out on the shield. He holds it and feels as light as air but seems tougher then steel he knocks his hand on it and he smiles at the sturdiness. He is happy with the results and thanks Kayana for her effort and then buys something from his interface and presents it to her. It is a chunk of metal that is green in color but as clear as crystal. She is happy to receive the unknown metal and then leaves the throne room with glee.

Zeke has given her Zionite a rare metal the interface sales to be molded into the any tool of their choice. Tiamo then arrives infant of Zeke holding two souls who are the pair he has sent for. He then takes the two orbs and fuses them with the souls as they shine a dark purple and a light yellow. The two light descend to the floor and are now kneeling and saying the pledge he has heard many times. Solusa has change from his prior look his hair seems to natural shine and he has a god ring of fire floating behind him and it radiates sun light. Barluna's hair has become a dark purple and and her seems to have a cool feeling to her body now, she also has a small orb floating over her left shoulder.

They then start to feel around their new bodies and move around to try to get use to them better. They start to feel the new powers with in them and then look at each other and hug passionately once they noticed each other. To them they have just died and were waiting in a long line walking towards a counter when a large being pulls them up. They let go and then turn towards Zeke and realize what has happened and are wowed. Zeke tells Tiamo to bring the pair to his parents and have them explain their duties and such. Once the three have left the room Zeke floats up to his private room and crashes on the bed and snuggles the pillow.

He pauses the world and then opens his interface and starts to read his messages that are now a bit backlogged. He starts to read messages from his gods and things they would like to  discuss with him and gain approval. Zeke then sees a message he doesn't want and then sighs and opens it.

[ Hey Newbie is see you really got a hang of this whole god thing down pretty well, but the One above all is a little bored by your progress and has handed me an order to give you. Heads up this is not voluntary they want you to visit other gods worlds and get a better since of things such as letting the world evolve without your involvement. they also want you to bless someone yourself and then let them go blind from then. They just want you to be a bit less controlling and also letting your other gods mess around and have fun on the surface. Thats what they want you to do basically just watch and see and don't interfere to much, have fun with your orders for now newbie.

P.S. He also wants you to join Godbook here's a link]

Zeke reads the message and his quite confused that he has now been ordered to basically sit on his hands for now and has to visits  other world governed by other gods. He then looks at the link in his message and is even more confused to why they sent him a link and looks at it suspiciously. He then clicks it and is lead to a social network looking screen that seems familiar to one he uses to use back on earth. He scrolls down and sees sign up. Zeke then starts to sign up for then site keeping his guard up and inputs all the info they asks for including his Sub gods and such.

After he was done he took a picture and it appears on his screen, he makes his profile and then is brought to a similar page just like before. He sees a profile pic he just took and basic info such as followers and likes, Zeke then sees a third one that says Divine favor and is a. bit confused then he gets a notification on the site. He opens it up ands sees that it is a friend request from Dia and accepts it.

He then cans pics of things and what seems like memes on his feed now and does not understand any of it. He keeps scrolling until he sees a section that says live Worlds and clicks on it. In the section is videos of other worlds that are nothing like the one he made or is from he sees worlds where the sky is pink and oceans green, worlds where it seems like a large cave systems with green glowing slime monkeys, and worlds that are all cartoonish and have dancing ricks and trees that then rip apart each other in a moments notice. He then sees that he has been sent another request and the sender makes his eyes go wide. 

[ Jesus has sent you a friend request ]

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