Going Home

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Jesus ( My fellow Gods and Goddess I am here to not only congratulate those who have fought for your entertainment but also announce the prizes to the winning side of these matches, Obliviously their is their personal wager which I will keep to them if they wish to reveal the contents of said wager.)

He then goes on to speak about how this sudden challenge happened and how it has made his party even more exciting than normal. He mentions that in the future events he will allow these to happen but on a grander scale and even says that he has requested Oba if they can possible host such a grand event. 

Hearing this they all start to chatter among themselves some more and seem to be very excited for this. Soon he mentions some other events that are happening towards the end of the party and then congratulates all the gods at the party for making it the best. 

After he finishes up Zeke then starts to make his way over to Regalia at the center of the arena to shake hands and get his prize from her. When they reach the center all the screens show them looking at each other. When the two meet face to face Regalia shows a very angry expression but maintains her professional appearance as she starts to speak,

Regalia ( Congratulations on my so called defeat and your so called victory, as per are agreement I shall hand over said prize I agreed too. As you have won this one fairly here is the item I shall give.)

She then presents Zeke Divinity of ___ Orb which Zeke had no understanding of this at all what area it covers until he appraises it and it says,

An orb of Divine power that the weirder can fill in with any godhood they choose for the orb, is a one time use and it can't be undone once its been selected.

Reading this Zeke understands that he has won a pretty good item and then speaks to Regalia,

Zeke ( Thank you Senpei for such kind words and I hope that this doesn't cause any other problems in the future for us. As such a simple misunderstanding caused such a fight to occur in this fun place. )

Hearing Zekes words Regalia bites her bottom lip as she cringes  at his words knowing he is mocking her and she says,

Regalia ( I hope you remember your words as I hope no NEW problems will happen and now I will take my leave so enjoy the time you have while you can.)

She then turns away from Zeke and opens a portal to leave the party as she does not want to stay any longer. Zeke watches as Regalia leaves and then makes his way back to his gods as they await his arrival.

When he sees the gods they are celebrating but  only two are standing a bit away from the others as they were Waxer and Barluna. Zeke looks at the two gods as both seem down in different ways, Waxer was clutching his fists while Barluna was twirling her thumbs and seeming to stare off into the room of gods. He is then congradulated by the others in different ways as he compliments his gods, he then tells them that he wants to go home now as this whole thing was quiet draining. 

They all agree to his idea as they all have their fair share of draining from this party, then as they get ready and are making their way to the exit they see Jesus awaiting them.  He approaches Zeke and pats his shoulder,

Jesus ( Zeke I see you plan on leaving my get together, well I assume that much as for what happened to you. But I'm glad you won your wager Zeke but just so you know any more of theses events be aware as now you have now got the attention of a problematic fellows. So be aware and make some allies at these events Ti is a ok fellow for an ally. But know I am on your side when it gets to nasty.)

Zeke ( Thank you Jesus that's very comforting and sorry for picking fights at your party.)

Jesus ( Its water under the bridge, just next time give me a quick heads up if this is about to happen again. OK?)

Zeke ( OK.)

Then Jesus left Zeke to go back to hosting his grand party once again, Zeke exhales and then they all enter the elevator and finally Leave they party heading home after a long event.

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