Travels and Adventures

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Zola walks through the dense forest he set off in and is looking around and has thoughts of earth and remembering going on trails as a kid. He took out a sketch book he bought and starts to draw some plants he sees or a small animal that passes him. he knows no high leveled monster will approach him unless they want to die of fear alone. He enjoys his stroll and walks and rest for several days and looks at the map he bought. He then reaches a small village that was on the map called Haga when he gets to the village gate he waves to the guard who stops him and points his spear at him. 

Zola then pulls out the card he got from the adventures guild and has the guard look at it and tells him he's not a monster. After some talking he manages t get in and finds the only inn in the entire village and gets a meal and room for the night. Once that is settled he decides to walk around the village and look at the shops, he reaches a traders and looks all over to see what they have when he enters the Cracter worker looks at him and seems on edge he then speaks to her and shows her he is paying customer. He manages to by some pencils and several snacks from the trader and even got info about the stories from the east and the supposed fighters of justice.

He leaves and goes to the village center where he hears a Magistar minstrel playing a harp in the center and singing a calm song surrounded by children. He sings about an ancient king how was alone until he found a fire from the stars and would only see her once a year. He didn't care to much for the story but likes the tune and listens in the back then when the bard looks around and sees him he is shocked stopping the performance. Zola says to not mind him and go on while he became the center of attention the bard starts to play a new tune and regains the children's attention. Zola leaves and goes back to the inn he is staying at before he gets there he sees a chid sitting on a rock and carving an animal shape out of it but crudely at best. Zola then approaches the kid and asks them if they are selling the figure and the kid says yes without looking up and keeps carving. Zola asks how much and the kid says 3 copper and Zola says he'll buy it and places 3 copper on the rock and the kid starts to hand him the carving then notices his appearance and freezes.

The kid looked at Zola for some time but quickly shock his head and handed the carving to Zola and thanks him for the money before leaving with the 3 copper in a hurry. Zola watches the young carver run off and makes a mental note to send word to Kayana too bless this kid in the future. He goes in the inn with he news purchases and returns to his room sketching the carving of the crude wolf after figuring it out what it is. When dinner came he got a knock to tell him and he goes down and takes a seat a a far table by himself. The server comes up to him nervously and takes his order and brings it to him as he eats he looks around and sees most of these people are villagers and 3 are adventurers.

As he eats his food he notices the 3 adventurers are staring him down and glaring at him and then talk among themselves quietly. Zola could hear them with his special abilities and hears that they are planning to follow him and capture him selling him to a zoo since they have never seen such a being before. He sighs knowing this and then turns to them and with only the 3 of them able to feel it he release a bit of Divine pressure causing the 3 to fall to the ground knocked out. The servers quickly determine that they are drunk and are dragged to the stables to lay since they were only their to eat. 

Zola finishes his food and thanks the server for the wonderful meal then goes to bed and sets out once again through the other gate of the village  and back in the dense forest. He decides to wear a hood to cover himself for awhile until he reaches another town or village so he can avoid unwanted attention for now. Over the course of a week he starts to uses earth magic and space magic so he wouldn't have to worry about protection and surprise attacks. He munches oil the dried snacks and camps out under the moon lit sky, then on a very rainy and cloud day he walks down a path and hears the sounds of metal and then rushes towards it wondering what's going on.

Well you died and are now GOD.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ