The right path and choice

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Zane looks at the setting sun and then makes his way out the bar saying bye to Tayla and makes plans to meet up with her in two days. He walks down the street and finds an inn and rents a room for a few weeks. The next day he walks to the large building and enters the front, it looks like a large forge on the inside with a front desk area and has many folks doing different crafts. Zane enters the area and then breaths in with a large breath and then shouts,


Hearing the shout everyone in the building turns their head to him and glare at him and start to shout at him nonstop I suiting him for his challenge. Then as the roar seem to begin to start to turn to violence, then a large voice over takes everyone and the room goes quiet. A row opens up and then a smaller figure walks through the row with faded pink hair in a large braid and gloves. She looks bit older and has a worn apron n that looks heavy, She stands infant of zane and starts to inspect his. 

She looks at the young man who caused the seen and challenge and then starts to talk,

Kayana ( So you are the youngster who has cause this mess huh.)

Zane ( Yup and all I see is a bunch of has beens in front of me, and now I see some old lady who has some what of ability.)

Kayana ( Oh so we have a lad with some big nuts on him and now needs to be put down for a nap in the cradle by this old lady.)

Zane (  I don't think a nap is needed for me but you old timer I think you may need to rest, so let this young bull show you what's up.)  

Kayana ( heh heh you are the first one in away to show such confidence to me especially knowing who I am and such, okay Youngbull I accept your challenge and if you can make a better item of your choosing then I will admit to what you said earlier.)

Zane( Then lets see who can create the best Sculpture out of wood tomorrow at sunrise, is that fine with you granny.)

Kayana ( Sounds good to me boy, sunrise tomorrow better be their or I will come hunt you down myself.)

Zane nods and then turns around and walks out the building and then returns to his in, he then goes to sleep and ascends to his space. Once their Zeke is met by Infintino and he opens his interface and starts to look up skills and purchases the one he wanted with a smile and inserts it into Zane. He then pauses the world and summons Viota,

Zeke ( What is your opinion on Kayana and her contribute to life improvement?)

Viota ( Oh Great father I believe her advances to the Cracter race is major making their first town and bringing them together under her leadership and organizing them to the point of even making currency in under 100 years is amazing. She is a bit of a hard ass and quite pompous at times to those how try to undermine her, but she is a great leader to them and amazing crafter.)

Zeke ( Do you believe that she should be rewarded once she is at the ends of her life?)

Viota ( Yes great father she is all ready worshipped by many and has a keen mind and soul. She does deserve reward once she passes.)

Zeke ( I see then she shall when her time is due, but I do not want some one to be reward so easily with out at least having some sort of failures or losses under their belts. So I will make her worth of that reward and you will inform bring her to this realm before she reaches the Soul Domain.)

Viota ( As you command great father)

Zeke then returns to Zanes Body and walks out the in and asks directions fr the church and is lead to a large building built into the side of the valley with amazing details and beautiful architecture. Once inside he walks forward and sees 5 large figures and one little one that is being held in their arms, the one in the middle is the largest and the two on the side up to it shoulders and the last two only up to the others chests. They all were detailed greatly but his looks a lot manlier then his real face and makes a disgruntle face, but decides to ignore it.

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