Chapter Fifty Five

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Finally, the day of the winter dance had arrived and Lily and I were sprawled across my bed, both excited but too lazy to get up and actually get ready yet. We did this every year, almost like a pre-dance ritual, and this year was no different. 

"Is lime even my colour?" Lily wondered aloud as we both stared up at my magnolia ceiling.

"Of course it is."

"Of course it is," Lily quickly repeated my words, "If lime wasn't my colour, what even would be my colour? Chartreuse? Sheesh, you wouldn't catch me dead in chartreuse."

I didn't bother asking what the difference was between the two shades of green and instead just smiled, revelling in the quiet moment we were having together before we would be plunged into the loud music and flashing lights that made up the usual dance atmosphere. Klaus and Violet were meeting us at seven, which meant we had a couple of hours left to pull ourselves together. Maybe. I hadn't checked the time in a while. For all I knew, Lily and I could still be laying here, discussing different colour variants when the bell rang, signalling our time to be up. 

I should've been more intent on keeping the time in mind; I should've been doing my usual job of keeping Lily from drifting too far into her thoughts so we could stay on task. But the reality was, I was more relaxed than I had been for a long time. Years maybe. Because I could lay here and honestly say that I had no worries. My best friend was beside me, my supportive family were elsewhere in the house around me, my incredible boyfriend and his sister (who had become a fast friend as well) would be turning up soon to meet us. Everything had truly fallen into place, which was why I couldn't bring myself to rush or to worry or to stress about anything, at least not to the extent that I used to. 

Finally, I forced myself up and dragged Lily up with me, much to her displeasure. She groaned but otherwise went along with it, grabbing her makeup bag and heading to the bathroom. That gave me the chance to get ready and I quickly opened up my wardrobe to reveal the icy blue dress that was hanging up in there. It was cut above the knee so I would have to wear some nude coloured tights, but other than that, the colour and the style was perfect for the winter dance. 

After I was ready and had just finished putting on my makeup, Lily emerged from the bathroom and ran in, holding her dress up at the chest.

"Can you zip me up?" She asked and I happily helped her. Then she twirled in front of me and struck a pose. "What do you think?"

"It's perfect," I said before glancing at the time. "It's almost time for the others to get here. Are you excited?"

"Is that even a question?" Lily joked. Then she frowned. "Jeremy better have got the memo about a lime tie. I'll be mad if it doesn't match."

"I'm sure it'll be fine," I reassured her.

"What if he turns up in a red one?"

"He won't, he's not that stupid."

"Or a fully red suit?"

"Why would he do that?"

"I don't know," Lily huffed, "boys are stupid."

"You can say that again," I replied, instantly thinking of my brothers.

As if they could read my thoughts, there was a knock at the door and, before I could give them the all clear to come in, Quigley and Duncan burst through the door wearing matching grey suits. Only their ties were different, Duncan sporting a blue striped one and Quigley opting for a rather garish orange. 

"Do you mind?!" 

"Hello to you too, dear sister," Quigley said, bowing dramatically.

Duncan matched Quigley's posh tone of voice. "Your carriage awaits, ladies."

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