Chapter Forty One

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"I knew it!" 

I jolted awake, blinking until my eyes fell on Violet, who was stood in the doorway to the lounge. Light streamed in through the open curtains and suddenly all the memories from hours before came flooding back.

Klaus and I had ended up sitting on the window seat, watching the sunrise through the giant, east-facing panes. Then, we had put the TV on and watched bad reality show reruns until we eventually fell asleep.

And now, I assumed it was mid morning, as Violet gazed at us both from the hallway.

"What are you two doing down here?" she teased.

Klaus groaned, "Go away," and then buried his head into one of the couch cushions.

Then Violet turned to me. "Will you help me make breakfast?" she said out of the blue.

I yawned but nodded and forced myself off the comfy sofa. I had barely taken a single step into the kitchen before Violet rounded on me, an excited grin on her face.

"So how did he do it?" she exclaimed, "Did he give you flowers?"

Partly because I had just woken up and partly because I wasn't sure if Violet was talking about what I thought she was talking about, I just said: "Huh?"

She tutted as if it was obvious. "How did he ask you out?"

I felt myself flush. "Oh... he didn't?"

Violet gasped and clasped her hands over her mouth. "Oh no, I ruined the surprise! I thought he would've done it by now!"

I was suddenly aware of how hard my heart was beating. Klaus wanted to ask me out? Sure, we had kissed, but I wasn't sure if had just been a spur of the moment thing for him. Violet suspecting he would ask me out wasn't a guarantee he actually wanted to, but it still made me flush more. 

"Oh he's gonna kill me," Violet rambled on, "Just pretend I didn't say anything, okay?"

I agreed and distracted myself by helping her get breakfast ready. Violet seemed to be embarrassed that she had revealed Klaus' secret but I did what I was told and just acted like she hadn't told me, and the awkwardness between us disappeared in no time. By the time the food was ready, Grace and Georgia had come downstairs and Klaus had got up and cleared the pillows and blankets from the sofa. Then the five of us took a seat in the dining room and tucked in.

"Hold on," Violet said, "What happened to Carmelita and Caitlin?"

Klaus and I shared a look before Klaus filled her in with what had happened. Despite it only happening a matter of hours ago, it felt more like days. It had been long night, and the tiredness I still felt in my eyes reflected that. 

"Good riddance," Violet commented before doing a toast on her own and downing her glass of orange juice. We all followed suit, even Grace, who had been the one to invite Caitlin in the first place. Technically, she was the one to blame for the whole ordeal, but I wasn't annoyed with her. First of all, she couldn't have known that Caitlin would bring Carmelita, and secondly, her actions had indirectly pushed Klaus and I together, which I was thankful for. 

However, despite our closeness last night (or more accurately, earlier this morning) I had noticed he was struggling to meet my eyes, and I wondered if he regretted it. Maybe in the light of day, after getting some sleep and thinking about the situation, he wished it had never happened at all. 

The conversation continued and I abandoned my negative thoughts to try and catch up with what was being discussed. Then, after we had breakfast, Grace and Georgia went back home and I figured I should get my things together and head back as well. 

I got changed and grabbed my bag from the guest room before I noticed my phone was missing. I checked all around the room and downstairs as well. I pulled out the sofa cushions to check if it had slipped in between, and then looked around in the kitchen. When I had just about given up, I thought of one more place and decided it was worth a shot.

I headed upstairs, ignoring the nervous feeling that came out of nowhere. Things had been awkward between Klaus and I since we had woken up, and he had retreated to his room right after breakfast was over, giving us zero time to talk about things. I paused outside of his room, hand raised to knock, and wondered if it was worth trying to have that discussion with him then and there. The words died on my lips as soon as the door opened though, so I went back to my original reason for going to his room.

"Did I leave my phone in here?" I asked.

Klaus glanced around before his eyes landed on the night stand, where my phone still sat from the night before.

"Here," he said, handing it back to me.


I stood for a second, unsure whether I should say anything else. He didn't seem to be in the mood for talking though, so I decided I had to or we would be standing there forever. 

"Well..." I began quietly, "I'm going home now."

"Okay," he said, and we were plunged into an awkward silence again.

"See you later," I said eventually, and headed back downstairs, not wanting to wait around to hear his reply. Things seemed weird between us now, to the point where even talking felt uncomfortable.

I had been happy last night, but now I wasn't so sure. All it had taken was two kisses and now it felt like we were strangers again.

"Did you find it, Isadora?" Violet asked, popping her head out of the kitchen.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm going to head home now if you don't mind."

"That's fine," she said with a smile, "Sorry it was a bit of strange night."

I slipped my shoes on and said one last goodbye to Violet before walking down the street to my house. My mother hadn't been pleased when I had told her I was going to Violet's sleepover, but she didn't comment on it when I arrived back at home. Instead, we all had lunch together like we usually did on the weekends and things were normal.

Duncan and Quigley did their usual trick of following me to my room, being nosy and asking question after question, but I wasn't in the mood. I instantly locked them out and turned my attention to my phone, which I hadn't looked at in hours. 

My notifications were entirely filled up with messages from Lily. She had sent me close to a hundred, just spamming me with questions about what was going on. I knew she was just being curious but I really didn't want to talk about things. So I turned my phone off and got into bed, despite it being the early afternoon. 

I didn't want to talk or think. I just wanted to sleep. 

A/N: Sorry again that this chapter is late. I think I'm getting sick right now and it's making me want to just stay in bed and watch movies.

Anyway, this chapter was a bit melancholy I guess whoops. Hopefully it was still enjoyable!

Now for a quick bit of shameless self promo. Recently you may have noticed I keep talking about Twitch, but I've always wanted to stream and now with everything that's going on I finally have the time to. I would really appreciate it if you guys maybe checked me out on there and gave me a follow if you feel like it! Here's the link:

I'll be streaming in a couple of hours so come and check it out if you feel like it, I'll happily talk about wattpad/fanfic/ASOUE stuff if you have any questions or anything!

Anyway! Thank you so much for reading! See you in the next chapter ❤

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